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last days i had to do a door-schedule and we created 62 parameters with text, yes/no and numbers.
I know i'm stuck in the kategories for the "group parameter under" but please sort the parameters alphabetical or let us do some kind of own organization like we can do it in the projekt browser.
If you first creat the parameters you can do this in the way you like the organization but if you missed one or you need to add one later on..... your stuck at the buttom.
Best would be our own organization. So we could do the same as it is in the door-schedule.
...and when this is going to happen maybe the user can sort the parameter directly in the propertybox with pressed left mousebutton. We call it U S A B I L I T Y and by the way there is a easier way to import the shared Parameters from the dialoguebox with multiple select options.
Ideally we would have a toggle that would convert the properties pallets to an "editing/expert mode" that would allow us to hide/sort the parameters (even the OTB ones). It would save those settings per family (and in case of shared or otb families: per category).
That would allow us to make a distinction between regular users (do they really have to see all these advanced values that they will never use?) and power users.
ps: maybe we could even add the global parameter button to the expert mode as it see a lot of users accidentally clicking it.
It would be very useful if in the Project Information panel the parameters were sorted alphabetically and not by order of creation. This would allow us to have more order and immediately find the parameters to edit.
This is a real problem when one has many project informations to edit.
Since the entire point of BIM is usable parameters and proper sorting of said parameters, the fact that these parameters can neither be sorted, not put into user-defined groups, is just ridiculous. This needs to be fixed 😕
Clients are requiring an increasing amount of parameters per object. Entering and maintaining this is way easier if the parameters can be organized better.
Please make a sort function into the project parameters. It is such a pain to reinsert all the parameters when a new one should come in just for the right sorting.