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Print window

Print window

I'm sure someone must have already submitted this but I could not find it.

I'm not a fan of the print "visible portion of current window" option. I'd love a print window similar to Autocad. 

There's too much back and forth between the print dialog and the view window to get the desired area to print.


@kgatzke @Anonymous

This can be done in 2016 version too. The intention of my original post was that it is too cumbersome and adding a print window selection tool would simplify matters tenfold. 

Autodesk Support

This work around to print "window" will no longer work with 2019. With the tabs, you can't change the view size. So not only have they not added a print window functionality, they took away the one work around that we did have!!

Not applicable

@beriock...still works in 2019...just untab the window and adjust accordingly.


I have only found 2 ways to untab a view, have multiple views open and tile them, and to drag the view to another monitor. either way, its a work around to get to a work around.


 @Anonymous, this solution doesn't work as described unless there is a step unmentioned. 


See attached images below for the attempt vs. result using print visible.

Let me know if you're seeing something I'm not. 


actual print with windowed view.PNGportion I would like to print at scale.PNGattempted print with full screen view.PNGprint with full screen view.PNGattempted print with windowed view.PNG

Not applicable

@RichConyers  If you print to a scale, it will still print outside of the window if it will fit on the paper or it will zoom in more if the paper is not large enough.  Fit to Page will print exactly what is on the screen/window.


@beriock This isn't a is how Revit has worked for years.  If you are just used to AutoCAD and ArchiCAD then I can see that you think it is.  But Revit is not either one of those programs so it has a different UI on how things work.  Also, just drag the tab doesn't have to go to another screen.


I am familiar how revit works, have been using it since release 2. Just because that is how something is, doesn't mean it isn't a problem. and yes it is a work around. just about all of the programs that i use have had a "get window" "print window" for well over a decade except Revit. 


@Anonymous @beriock 

This is obviously an issue as multiple people are complaining about the functionality. The print to visible is not accurate. That is literally the complaint of this thread. @mpwuzhere, if you have an actual solution please contribute, but if you're just here to tell people they don't know how a program works because they would prefer it work better, then your comments are not relevant to the thread. 




Not applicable

@RichConyers how is it not accurate?  If I print to a specific scale to a certain size sheet it will print just that centered on what my window is set at.  Technically I don't have to change the window itself, as it just grabs the window and I zoom in on where it wants to be.  It will print with a priority of what is centered  in my view to what the paper size is.


So here is a screencast:


Printing to a regular full size sheet, then zooming in on a plan and printing at 200%(1:50), then zooming in and printing just the room legend scaled to fit.   It does what it is supposed to do.   


Now...if the complaint is that it still prints outside of the crop region/window...well yeah, a window is endless, there are no boundaries.   You are printing a window.  The only way you can print "exactly what is shown on the window" is "fit to page" then what's the point in that?  It's not to scale and you are better off using the snipping tool.


@beriock...Version 2 eh?  And you didn't know about this?  Revit was its own program back then, not even Autodesk related except for the fact that the designers used ADT.  It couldn't look exactly like other programs, Autodesk would have sued for copyright infringement.  Look at ArchiCAD, it doesn't have a "print to window" either.  You have to create a flashing crop region and print to the region.


But it has been almost exactly 2 years since this idea was submitted and it has only 200 votes and still "gathering support"...well, it had 199, I just evened it out with my vote.  I don't see this one making the Road Map...surprised it is still open.



We the people want to print a window within 1 second. We don't want to play around with minimizing and resizing windows. The video illustrates more perfectly than I could describe the cumbersomeness of the workaround. And I very definitely consider it a workaround. 

Not applicable

@lonerganjeff yeah, my trackball mouse was sticking.

EXACTLY! Sometimes I only want a small portion so I can write in the margins. Sometimes it's hard to get it centered just right. How difficult is this concept to understand?
Apparently, they are not listening!
Autodesk Support

We are listening!Smiley Happy


Thank you all for your feedback. We have a dedicated team looking at the issues.


If you can also share screencasts, comparable images and what feature you are looking for, or anything additional to help the print job, that would greatly benefit and help push this idea.





Here's one example of where a Print Window would be useful:

I want to show a client a PDF of the elevations of all 4 walls in a Room.

I already have a Sheet full of Interior Elevations. All 4 of the Elevations are on the Sheet right next to each other.

I can't place those 4 Elevations on another Sheet without either taking them off the Sheet, or Duplicating the Views.

I "could use the "Print Visible portion" print option, but if I do, I also get all the other Views on that Sheet - or at least what fits on the "page size". That is confusing to the client, and also looks unprofessional. The "extra" views nearly always get chopped off where they hit the margins



@Viveka_CD It seems incredibly clear that not only are a vast number of people seeking this solution (ironically not a new solution, one that already exists in AutoCAD) but they have been asking almost since Revit was released. Is there someone who would make a direct statement about where this solution is on the road map and why an already existing Autodesk solution is taking so long to make it into a parrallel program (at least regarding printing). 


Thank You for your responses, I'm sure we are all glad this is getting some attention. 



Rich C.


Sorry, Rich, but this one of my pet peeves.

The fact that something exists in AutoCAD has NOTHING to do with Revit.

The two programs have completely different code bases - not to mention development teams.

When people say "You've already got it", it's like saying Honda has a great transmission on their motorcycles, why can't I have it for my minivan?


That said; regarding the Print Window; I think a more valid argument is that this feature already exists IN REVIT.

The Print Visible Portion does create a print window.  It's just that the window is defined by the page margins.

All that's needed is the user input of the crop window. And there are lots of other ways to select a window in Revit.


for the guys at Autodesk.

Print window(Bottom Left) screen shot below from AutoCAD . Also need the Plot scale feature(Middle bottom) so a 1:100(DS-Drawing Scale) can be printed 1:1(PS-Plot Scale). With display method a 1:100(DS) plots 1:99 or 1:101... when you measure something with a scaled rule.

There also a number of tutorials on youtube. Or get anyone familiar with printing in AutoCAD give you a demonstration on how this all works.

Print Window.jpg

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