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Print window

Print window

I'm sure someone must have already submitted this but I could not find it.

I'm not a fan of the print "visible portion of current window" option. I'd love a print window similar to Autocad. 

There's too much back and forth between the print dialog and the view window to get the desired area to print.

Not applicable

I agree, it's not well implemented.

I have taken to using the Greenshot Screen capture tool for this. it lets you select a specific region and send it straight to the printer.
however this is still only good for discussion and communication, not for sketching over as it's not to scale. 




For meetings it is often required to print a certain scaled section of a view in A4 or A3 format. Scaling is no problem here. The problem is the selection of the print area.

Unfortunately it is not possible to select a certain area for printing (only if you reduce Revit to the suitable page ratio and then play around with the zoom factor in order to show everything you need on your printout).


The option to select a print area (window) like in Autocad is missing.



Every program in windows allows you to print window except Revit!!

Not applicable

Yes, agree, it is needed, would make my workflow of digital markups so much faster & easier. 

Not applicable

This already part of the program anyway.


You have to unmaximize (Restore Down) a window within Revit and adjust the window to what you want to print.   That way when you use the "Visibile portion of current Window" it will be just that part of the window.  When a window is maximized it is set to the entire view and you will get everything based on the scale you are wanting to print.


I am well aware of having to reshape the window get a "print window". The print window I'm referring to is in almost every other program.

Randall Smith
I am well aware of having to reshape the window get a "print window". The print window I'm referring to is in almost every other program.

Randall Smith


That's what I was talking about when I wrote "too much back and forth". It's ridiculously complicated to try to do something that is easily achievable in all sorts of other software!  


The famous question: "If Autocad can do it, why can't Revit?" I have so many ex-Autocad users asking why they can't drag a print window in a view. (Yes we know you can zoom in and print visible, but it's quirky, changes based on scale etc.) They want more control over how much they want to print of a specific view.



Not applicable

You should also know that this idea was posted last year...


Your 12 votes could have been added to one that was at 75 votes...




We would like to plot any portion of the drawing with specify the two corners of the area like an AutoCAD print option.



Make sure to add kudos to ideas you want considered!

Thank you,
Oh, I do!
Not applicable

this is really annoying and not accurate but i have way to do it with more accuracy
restore the window this adjust its size like A3 paper and zoom to the part you need to print
then from print dialog choose visible portion of current window
this method is accurate enough for me but it will be great if we have the option to select print area with window like autocad



A3 print.JPG

Not applicable

also if you use the crop view parameter on view properties window, you can zoom on the part you want to print and use the current window option in the print dialog and this will work also but with with too much work
still adding the window option like autocad is a great idea



This Idea has been brought up so many times, I think people have given up on it.

Why, oh Why, it it so hard to just add a "pick Window" option to the Print dialog?

Besides the fact that it's clumsy and non-intuitive, Print Visible Portion does NOT Print the Visible Portion of your Window.

Print Visible Portion does set the lower left corner of your "Print Window", but it completely ignores the upper right..

Try it! Go ahead and print (or Preview) a Visible Portion. Then drag the upper right corner of your Window to make it larger or smaller.

Print Visible again, and you'll get exactly the same results.

Print Visible Portion uses the lower left corner of your Window as the lower left corner of the print, but the upper right corner is set by the Paper Size, NOT by the - how do you say - Visible Portion of the Window!


Let's say I wanted to print just the 4 Interior Elevations of a Room that are on a Sheet next to each other. Can't do it.

I can zoom around until I get one of them at the bottom, but I'm also going to print whatever else fits on my Letter-size page



"This already part of the program anyway.


You have to unmaximize (Restore Down) a window within Revit and adjust the window to what you want to print.   That way when you use the "Visibile portion of current Window" it will be just that part of the window.  When a window is maximized it is set to the entire view and you will get everything based on the scale you are wanting to print."


I tried exactly this before I even read your comment and it didn't work.  I'm still getting the crap on the rest of the sheet and not just the portion of the sheet I want (which incorporates two different views so I can't do it by just opening a view by itself).  

Not applicable

@kgatzke What version of Revit are you using?  I'm on 2017.2 and it still works the way it is supposed to.

Be sure you are zooming in on the window to see only what  you want to see...also you may have to adjust your scaling.

Unless you use "fit to page" it will still print to the scale set in the view.  So if you are printing to an 11x17 for example and your sheet is a 24x36 you will get almost half of your sheet on the 11x17 .



I'm on a project stuck in 2016.  I'll try this in 2018 when I get back to the other projects.  I was trying to print single views to 8-1/2x11 for a submittal reply.

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