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Multiple Simultaneous Shared Parameter Entry

Multiple Simultaneous Shared Parameter Entry

I often import manufacturer equipment into my model that I need to add shared parameters to. I have a built-out shared-parameter table/list for each kind of equipment (usually around 10-15 parameters long). Every time I need to add a bunch of shared parameters it can take a little while. It would be cool to be able to add multiple shared parameters in one go, and have some kind of table with checkboxes to select what category the shared parameter belongs to and whether it's a type or instance kind of parameter.


Edit: grammar


Hello. I am creating families and each time create a new family template I need to call each shared parameter one by one. it would be great to have option   selection of more thhan one at once to import into family parameters. curently we can only select one paramter only. then do the same work many times rather than once. 

Not applicable

When adding shared parameters to a family. I would like to select multiple shared parameters and add them at once instead of one at a time. This would be a time saver and easier for all who wanted to add parameters for scheduling. When manufactures update equipment, these have to be added again to the new families. And if it could be taken a step further as to be able to transfer/copy the same parameters to another family, that'd be awesome too (I know we can't save the data for each parameter, but at least having it in the family saves time and aggravation). EX. There are many fans, but they all reside in the same schedule. So doing it once and transferring to another family would make life easier. 




On the schedules, It would be nice to be able to have a text box below for schedule notes. We currently have a drafting view and have to place it. If any changes are made to the schedule, this has to be adjusted to the bottom again. 



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Community Visitor

I was thinking the same thing!


This would be a good thing.  We have an Add-in that one our guys built that adds the shared parameters in based off of the built schedule in our project templates.  Really handy and saves a ton of OH time developing content.

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adding several shared parameters one by one is pain in the ass!

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it would be great to have the possibility to add more than one shared parameter at once inside families.

shared param.JPG

In my firm I am using nested families and every time we start a new project with new clients I need to add new information through text parameters. To do so, I must change my shared parameters in every sub-component of all nested families in order to have the possibility to associate them. Having the possibility to add several shared parameters at once in a sub component will drastically reduce the amount of time that I usually spend during this task.

Please note that it is not possible to add those parameters inside the project as "project parameters" because in that case the parameters will be attached only to the nested family but not to all the sub components... Which is not what I need for my scheduling purposes.

Thanks for your attention. Regards.

Not applicable

There was an add-ons that can add shared parameter at once.


This add-ons called Content admin Kit - this is a series of advanced tools to manage the parameter of your families and projects. It consists of a number of Management tools such as: Shared parameter Manager, Parameter manager and calculated Parameters.


With the Shared Parameter Manager you will be able to import shared parameters at once.




Thanks. We've built an add in since

Please allow multiple shared parameters to be imported into a family at the same time instead of having to go through the process over and over again!

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when i create a new Family or i will insert new Shared parameters it's annoying to insert one by one. Sometimes i need to insert 10-20 and i loose a lot of time...




Not applicable

You will need a program like RushForth Tools "Parameter Scheduler" founder here.

This is going to be a hard one to convince Autodesk to implement since it is available via thirs party.


Another option is to update your family templates to include the parameters you want or to use, or use an existing family that already has the parameters defined.


ARUtils is another product that handles parameter management in various ways. "Head of the Family" is able to manage parameters (and many other aspects) in families on disk, whilst "parameter manager" lets you work with parameters in your project and the families in your project.

Not applicable

If you had done a search prior to posting you would find that someone already suggested this:

Not applicable

You can use CTC Family Processor to do this, but it does not worh with BIM360 projects right now. Also it costs USD $550 to do things Revit should do.


With the licence fees we pay for Revit its a shame that an featsure like this should be up to 3rd parys to deliver. 
Why not load shared parameters in a family into the project when the family is loaded? That would save lots of time when receiving a title block from a customer for example. 


I am facing the same problem. it feels we are working in old version of autodesk. It needs to b eupdate.


Using this add-in will save your time.

This one is free and provides many useful features.


Right now I need to add 40 shared parameters to the project parameters to the same category. At the moment I can only add them one by one. If had was able to do multiselect It would be much faster instead of opening and closing all dialog boxes for each shared parameter that I add.

@ian_vangiesen25  - Have you had a chance to try Autodesk Parameters Service? With the Parameters Service you can manage all your Shared Parameters within ACC and load into Revit. This enables you to no longer rely on the .txt files for Shared Parameters so you can manage all your Shared Parameters in the web. Additionally in Revit, you can update, and load the parameters into your templates, families, or models - this can even happed in bulk.


To learn more, check-out the YouTube tutorials and Documentation.


Would be useful to have the ability to batch add one or more parameters from .txt to families as shared parameters.

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