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Measure in 3D

Measure in 3D

I would like to be able to use the measure tool in 3D views. For reference: EXACTLY the same way as in SketchUp. 


You can dimension in 3D, as long as you pick a plane before you try and use the dimension tool... you don't even have to lock the view aspect... its pretty cool...


pick a floor or a wall face or the face of almost anything... saves lots of time


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Hi Keldar, yes I know this method for dimensions. My Idea was submitted for the 'Measure' tool, not dimensions. I am not sure if you are familiar with sketchUp, but this is the useability I am referring to. We can snap in 3D, so it seems strange we can't use the measure tool. Thanks for your input. 

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Create your own 3d measure tool!, create a 2 point adaptive component family with a spline between the points, make it a reference line and select one of the planes defined by the line make it your current work plane, add a reporting parameter between the 2 adaptive points callled measure or somthing else, load this into the project and add the component between the 2 points that you want to measure, read the information by selecting the component, then delete. A fully working 3D measure tool to measure between 2 points. An in built one would be nice as well.

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Ideally, Revit should allow the mouse hover to control the plane(s) we're measuring to/from.  So I mouse over a wall, tab until I get the plane I want (ala Align), have a Constraint button to check (or constrain with the shift key), then mouse over to a new plane/edge/corner/snap.  Basically, what Sketchup and ArchiCAD can already do. 


I would still keep the Pick-a-Plane tool, it's nice to lock down 2D production in a 3D view.


I would bundle this idea with another suggestion here:


Community Manager
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for your submission and votes on this idea!  We are evaluating where this request falls into our roadmap and will provide an update when we have made a decision. 


The Factory


Having the exact same 3D measuring tools as Navisworks would be great.


Reference and spot dimensions are great, and I like the thought of the spline object used for this function, however more critically is the ability to quickly, easily, and precisely dimension 3D views for isometric/orthographic drawings. I'm trying to do a 3D view with dimensions for a VRF system so the pipe size can be calculated and I'm spending hours placing and setting work planes the adding a dimension or two, then starting again. It's a rather time consuming and cumbersome process. I know SysQue had a way of automatically adding reference planes for each spool that is created. At least it removed the process of creating the work planes, but doesn't help with anything else. It sounds like the SketchUp 3D dimensioning style would be preferred.


This is a basic functionality. It should have been bulit in 17 years ago...

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Based on some of the comments from the factory lately and "idea splitting" going on (without any polling), my idea about measuring in 3D was measurement including angles, not just point to point. 


Please add a tool for identifying distances between two points.


I know we're not supposed to compare this software package to autocad, but I'm pretty sure this functionality was available in 3d AutoCAD while it was still in DOS, using the "distance" command.


without an easy way to check distances, the usefulness of a 3d view is limited.


Yes, we need a 3D "Measure Between" tool!

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yes, 3D is imperfect without measuring now

In our company we program this tool in Revit quite quickly, so I thing you can do too Autodesk and much faster and better.

Hello lukas.tunka,

This thinking makes using Revit so unproduktive. You have to take hours to solve problems by yourself instead of letting this done by the manufacturer. And all other users have to struggle with that problem continuously. If everybody should write the solving code by himselve it’s a massive waste of time. Let’s assume 1 user does this for 10-20 other users in his own company. How many users does Revit have by now? Assume further it takes him/her 1-2 hours. How many hours is this worldwide?

Why should I, as an user, get into programming. We earn money by building things (in my case harbour and bridge structures). We are not software developers.

We are not supposed to do fundamental functions instead of the comapany which get paid for this. Fundamental things like: Measure in 3D, real boolean operations on volumetric bodies, cut volumes along multiple planes to create construction stages, and even more.

Revit is now 19+ years old and lacks of fundamental tools… IMO it’s a shame that users or third-party developers have to fix the problems. Even if it has to be done by a Dynamo script.

It’s just not my business to do their work. Our company paid money for their software. Users can and should expect fundamental functions within their software, especially in such an matured program.

I heard a spoke from an old engineer: „Be a recalcitrant user!“. He meant: Just this way software gets better.

Revit Ideas is a nice platform. But all of my „ideas“ where not even voted. Line types from autocad got over 150 votes. So you can see what ist hat worth. Things needed for working with soil, soil movement, trences, and so on is nothing worth.

And I dislike to move between programs. This is unproductive, too. You have to learn multiple programs. In our case there are Revit, Advance Steel, Civil3D, SOFiCAD and Inventor what should be learned to be productive.

Why this is unproductive? Each program has ist own User Interface, it’s own learning curve. And I even do not want to think over data exchange…

When you want to get rid of other programs you have to bent Revit a lot to get the informations into your model you need to have. And sometimes this does not even work.

I have fun with programming, but it’s not my business and this is not what I get paid for. So this is not a solution. In your case it might be a quick solution, but not for a lot of other people.

Did you wrote it in C#?

Bye Lukas

Not applicable

Madness. How is measuring in 3D (point to point with snap and angles with snap) not a standard feature in Revit already?? It may not have got support of the community (and most likely because the voting system is clunky and good ideas just disappear onto the next page before they can gain traction) but how is being able to measure in 3D anything other than an essential workflow element that shouldn't even need voting for. It should have been there from the start. Setting the work plane then having to do it just slows you down....and it's almost an impossible task with tubular railings. There are a just few things that SketchUp has and which that Revit absolutely needs, and this is one of them.

Hello flipworx.

I absolutely agree with you. It’s a standard working tool.

Setting a plane is a workaround. Workarounds are needed in several use cases to use revit. When you hear other user experiences this is usual to think about workarounds to get revit doing the things you need.

I’m a friend of K.I.S.S. (keep it simple and stupid) for the user. If you have to think about it, it’s not simple fort he user and the function is bad.

Happy software bending…



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"If you have to think about it, it’s not simple for the user and the function is bad".....agree 100%. Software idiosyncrasies are not a good thing and having to find a 'workaround' in any software package is just crazy in 2018. When SketchUp came out it was a revelation (after years of AutoCAD workarounds) and it felt like a game changer in it's simplicity and ease of use. I thought at the time that Autodesk simply had to grasp that nettle and make everything they create from that point forward a breeze to use. Then came the Revit tsunami. 


I've made the leap though and now know many of these (unnecessary) workarounds so I can use the software commercially but it took me so long to remember them all I've spent literally months of my life searching the net for workarounds. Now the Revit core is sorted let's hope Autodesk now spend time making it a much more user friendly piece of software to use which will allow many more to make the leap to Revit who've been put off in the past.


@Anonymous unfortunately this won't be the case. Now that Autodesk has expanded Revit from it's original intent of architecture, to include MEP design, structure design, MEP fabrication, fire protection, rendering, etc., etc., etc., it has decided to take a hard look at the core programming of it's programs to streamline them. Hopefully in this years-long detangling of the bird's nest that is code for any program that has been changed as much as Revit and AutoCAD have, I'm HOPING they will make many processes easier and add some fundamental functionality such as 3D dimensions, however my hopes are not high. My hopes are never high when it comes to Autodesk making the lives of users easier. I'm sure there is a reason for the changes they make, and on many things they seem to listen to their users. But on the whole, they are a large corporation with a mandate to deliver profits to the shareholders, regardless of what that means for their clients. They have the design and fabrication industries by the short and curlies, so I don't expect that to change any time soon.

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Robert, can't disagree with a word. Maybe I was hoping for a miracle. 

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I think we need a New 3D Measure tool that will allow taking measurements between any faces, edges or Points in a 3D view without needing to set the Current Work Plane prior to this. Like Solibri, for instance.

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