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Really need the ability to Create, Apply and controls MATERIALS for Conduits......We can apply Materials to System Families such as Walls, and External Families like Conduit Fittings................Why Can't we Apply Materials to System Family Conduits?
We have had a similar problem, wanting to send something to AUTODESK LIVE straight out of Revit and not been able to colour code the different service type of each conduit run makes the VR experience ordinary, it could be a lot better if we were able to apply materials to the different service types.
material for cable pipes will be a very useful solution. I tried to add new project parameter that would add any material to the pipe type. The material has been assigned but is not displayed in revita and after being exported to ifc. Overwriting the view filter is not a good solution, because after the export everything is in the default color.
Autodesk has to add material assignments to different types of pipe systems, Revit is not a cheap program and the lack of this option limits it.
This would be extremely beneficial in my case. We design projects where sometimes we use colored cable trays. Not just during the design, they actually get painted and installed with a specified color. Having material parameter within cable trays would be extremely helpful for making more realistic 3D models.
This feature is desperately needed for my current project. We are building a new company HQ and since we are a Technology contractor, the cable tray is on full display as part of the office design aesthetic. We are using white cable tray to match the white racks in the otherwise blacked-out server room. We are using steel wire mesh tray around the rest of the office (which will not be hidden above ceilings) so people can walk around and see the red, white, and blue bundles of cables running from the server room to each outlet.
My company recently purchased Revit because we realized we needed to start working within BIM to stay relevant. I have been building the new HQ in Revit as a learning exercise, but after showing the executive team the progress, they were very impressed and suggested we do a fly-through of the new office to display on our video wall. It's a shame there's no way to change the material for cable tray. For now, I am using the Object Style material override to make the cable tray look like steel wire mesh, but for the white ladder tray within the server room I guess I am going to have to go through the tedious process of creating a generic In-Place model that looks like ladder tray, then apply the white material to that.
I have a problem about exporting conduit in different colors. I filtered conduit by COMMENT. now how can I export it? to have conduits in different colors in autocad?