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Mark a Parameter as Hidden or Disabled

Mark a Parameter as Hidden or Disabled

There are times that I need one dimension to be relative to another dimension. But I don't want the user to change this dimension. There are times when it's ok for them to SEE it but then there are times that I don't even want them to see it either.

Example: SideA = 1, SideB = SideA * 1.5 (SideB should ALWAYS be one and half times SideA).


Proposed Workflow:
Create the parameter and in the properties, there would a Visibility property (for the parameter itself). Options would be: Normal (default), Hidden or Disabled.


This would allow me to avoid having to create parameters with names like "SideB - DO NOT MODIFY" and then HOPING that the user doesn't modify it.


Within the family editor - allow any parameter to be specified as hidden for that particular family (not just Shared Parameters that someone has hacked into the SP file to reset).  So a specific Shared Parameter might be used in ten different families, but only exposed to the general population in the project environment for 3 of those 10 families.  it may still be "in play" and have formulas and values associated with it, but it is not exposed so as to preserve a cleaner UX (focus the user's attention on the parameters that matter for a particular family without having to wade through a bunch of parameters used for background calcs and such).






Additionally - add an option into the Properties Browser  - Show Hidden Parameters.  When Checked - all parameters are exposed.  When Unchecked - only the parameters specified as visible are exposed.


In complex families some parameters are created which help to calculate different options and dependencies or to regulate visibilities. These parameters are important for the functioning of the family but are not of interest to anybody in the project.


It would be ideal to create the option in the family editor to hide family parameters which are locked by formulas or insertion of fixed values. Checkbox for Parameters in order to change the visibility of a Parameter in the Options in the project.


This would speed up work as parameters can be pre-sorted and therefore no scrolling through parameters is required.




create Parametergroup "Hidden", and hide for the user  every familyparameter that is placed in "Hidden"


Ideally this would also work for OTB stuff. Most templates use only a fraction of the OTB stuff. It would be helpful it we could hide some of it. Perhaps add a "reveal hidden parameters" option for advanced users.


Also, I would love to have the said visibility option for the parameter to be formula driven.


For example: only show this frame thickness/width/height parameters is frame is checked. This would allow us to clean up the properties browser and only show certain values when they're relevant. Other values would be hidden all the time (internal calculation parameters for example).


I would like to make parameters greyed out, which I don't want to use in project.


I don't want to show any unused parameters such as rough height in project both type and instance.



@doni49 In your example above, you can accomplish disabling a parameter by nesting your formula in an "if": if(1=1, SideA*1.5, 0)


That said, I'd still like to be able to selectively hide/disable parameters based on values of other parameters (for when you only want to disable it SOMETIMES, or hide it until it becomes relevant based on other choices).


I've wanted something like this pretty much since other people started using my families!  

One thought I had was a 'basic' and 'advanced' setting for the family in a project.  When set to basic only the essential parameters are visible - i.e. those you expect a user to be changing most frequently, while advanced would show all parameters.


I don't think it's as simple as hiding parameters that have formulas as often this data is relevant to the user.


I don't think anybody was suggesting to hide values driven by formulas. Instead, it would be more helpful to drive the visibility setting of a parameter with the help of a formula (so you could drive the visibility of a specific parameter based on the value of other parameters (frame)


Sorry - mixed my threads there.  There's another one relating to the same topics where someone was asking for parameters with formulas to be hdden... bad idea IMO.


We have our owns parameters (shared, project, family, etc...) every manufacturer has it own parameters, and there is built in parameters. That create a lots of parameters in the user interface!

There should be a way to hide unused parameters just for the sake of clean interface and to organize the data input.

Tags (3)

We have our owns parameters (shared, project, family, etc...) every manufacturer has it own parameters, and there is built in parameters. That create a lots of parameters in the user interface!

There should be a way to hide unused parameters just for the sake of clean interface and to organize the data input for users.

Tags (3)

Le top serait de paramétrer une interface de propriétés propre au type d'utilisateur. Un besoin indispensable à mon avis pour faire un pas vers le Bim niveau 3.

Not applicable

In addition, the effort and knowledge can be preserved.


but empty parameters, which should be filled in (depending on the project phase) should be visible


Hi Autodesk,

Based on my experience while developing families there are a lot of parameters not necessary to be visible in a project. Which occupies a lot of space in the properties palette.

So, it will be good if we have an option to control the visibility of loadable family parameters while developing the family. Something like providing a checkbox to control visibility or create a new group as "Hidden" so those parameters grouped under hidden will not be displayed in the project level.

Which will make the parameter neat and tidy at the project level.



Anything that is formula driven should go under Constraints. Constraints should only be shown in the family editor. User input would be limited to the remaining categories.

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