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Custom 'As indicated' text in Scale parameter

Custom 'As indicated' text in Scale parameter

When we place views with more than one scale in them on a sheet, RVT defaults the scale paramter in the titleblock to the text "As indicated". Living in a non-english speaking country, this is often a target of ridicule and amazement and I can see why.

I would like to be able to change the default "As indicated" to a custom text in my own language, in the same way as it had been made possible in the schedules with "Custom grand totals title".




i tried it on my german RVT 2016 client and it works like you suggested. Except that the german content layouts are not so good. As you can see..... the text is to big für the layout.  But anyway..... i think every office has its own layoutstyle 😉






The thing is that there are plenty of non-english offices that run the english version of Revit (mostly because it's far easier to follow tutorials and look for information online that way). Otherwise you would have to guess each time how the function would be called in English and how they have translated it to your language.


The only downside if with hardcoded text, with the scale parameter being the most notable example of that.






thats true. havent tought of that. I always switch to the english version to post revit ideas.


Also, must English firms use all caps for their text, so being able to change the displayed text to "AS NOTED", etc. instead of "As Indicated" would be more consistent (and why many firms use a custom manuallly-entered shared parameter to get around the problem).


I'd also like to see an "ignore legend scales" switch so that if I have a sheet with one plan, it will still show the scale of the plan (instead of "As Indicated") when we throw the legend on it. It's too much work to maintain legends at multiple scales to match the plans (while we usually use 1/4" or 1/8"=1', I was just working on one at 3/32"=1') and having the users edit a Generic Annotation just seems "wrong". 🙂


IMHO this could easily be handled by adding a "FORMAT" button to the Labels dialog box.  When a label parameter is selected in the box, you could pick this button.  The resulting dialog box would include a "Default Value" option that could Revit what to display for unknown values (or in the case of varying scales, UNDETERMINED values).  In the case of other types of labels, Revit normally shows a question mark and so for all labels OTHER than scale, this would default to the question mark -- until the user changes it.


It would also include options for changing case (force UPPER CASE, lower case, Title Case etc).


@doni49 I like your "Default Value"/"Undetermined Value" idea for the Label, since it would also give some control to other Labels (show blank, show "?", etc.) and would bring even more flexibility to the scale label in the border (you never know if someone needs it to say different things on different size borders for the same project), instead of setting the value project-wide (although I think that would be the easier solution for the Factory to implement). I'm always for more customizability. 🙂


Great idea @doni49


While it doesn't solve the problem, this idea would reduce the number of occurrences:


Would be great to be able to change the hard coded "as indicated" comment to something of my own choice when I have a few different scaled views on one sheet. We who work in non English speaking countries have to be able to change this to our own language...

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Hi iftah,


you can do this by changing the view scale 'customise' field there are two values here one is the scale the other is the 'Display Name', you can change the 'display name' to NTS, or Varies etc. as your require.


We do this so the title block shown a scale other than 'as indicated' definitely helpful for those Key Plans where scale is irrelevant and we would like to show 'NTS' 'NOT TO SCALE'.



Not applicable

Hi @Anonymous can you explain where to find that 'customize' field?

Not applicable

When you select the scale from the view properties under the drafting area, you can either select a pre-set scale, create a new scale or modify existing scale to report different display value, alternatively you can select from the properties pallet 'view scale' right at the top of the Graphics group.



You should be able to choose which scale is the main (for example, the main plan in the sheet but also a small detail or a key plan on the side), and you can select which scale view will appear in the sheet. Or having the option of choosing a custom text.


If the only view on the Sheet is set to a Custom Scale the Title block Label should be able to read the Custom "Scale Value" instead of showing "As Indicated".


If the view is set to a standard scale -say 1:200-, "Scale Value" still read 200 anyway. So that way, one doesn't have to create a workaround only to override the "As Indicated". All that is needed then is to add a "1:" prefix to the label.

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This would help a lot. Like a lot of us offices, we use caps in our titleblocks, but the hard coded text is in small caps. So we need to resort to a manual workaround with visibility settings etc.


Perhaps this could be implemented as a type property of the titleblock?


@Anonymous I think your solution works for view TITLES, but I think the OP wants the flexibility of having custom text for the scale parameter field that's displayed in your drawing title block. Currently, if your sheet is one view (or multiple views at the same scale), it'll display that scale. However, if your view scales vary, the Revit default is "As Indicated":


2017-11-30 16_00_52-Autodesk Revit 2018 - [Sheet_ 0001 - YORK POTASH LIMITED GENERAL ARRANGEMENT - P.jpg


I'm working on a project, where the client's CAD manual says that all drawings with varying scales need to display "AS NOTED", so like the OP I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this (other than removing the parameter altogether, and manually adding a text note to each sheet - horrible!).



Not applicable

Was this worked out since this post? I still can't find a way to modify this text in version 2019.


not yet, but keep voting 🙂


You can change it to custom text on a per-workstation basis (which is fine as long as you're not working in multiple languages). I changed mine to "AS NOTED" and it's been working for several years now (but you have to redo the change each time you upgrade). I've been meaning to do an instruction video sometime (my proposals for a class showing this & other workarounds were rejected for AU and BILT). Also, I'm sure there will be some people who are uncomfortable "hacking" their Revit installs...

Can you write some simple steps to do that? At least it's a workaround that seems to work just fine. Thanks!

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