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Create a Zone tool for Rooms

Create a Zone tool for Rooms

The same function used for spaces would be amazing for architects to use for rooms.


For example, to group all rooms of an apartment.

At the moment, we have to create a shared parameter to do so.


Another related note, useful for MEP as well, grouping several zones under a bigger zone.


Just to clarify, are you after an area tool ? appears so. Please confirm!!! If so this already exists!!!

Not applicable

@wr.marshall : The area tool is useful but not in the case we are interested in.


@GA-LT : Yeah, they also could be merged I guess.


Adding spaces to Zone is really cool and useful feature in MEP discipline.

Why rooms doesn't have same functionality?

It could be really handy to add rooms in their own zone. For example combining rooms as apartment could be really useful. Now when need to define and calculate apartment areas in plans, need to do separate area plan for that. Spaces and Zone way of thinking with Rooms in architecture discipline could be that time saver and error blocker what we need to make our design process little bit more efficient.


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I've not used zones & spaces so apologies if I'm barking up the wrong tree... but couldn't you use the department parameter for this? E.g. assign all rooms in a particular apartment (say, Apartment 2A), then schedule based on department 2A to calculate the total area?


Actually I'm aware about that way to get areas to schedule and for scheduling it works, but for plan views are totally different story. At the moment you need to use Area tool to get total areas to define e.g. apartment areas. But way how area works is little bit cumbersome.

That's why Space and Zone combination way of working for Rooms would be way more better 🙂


Anyway thanks for the tip 🙂


For residentials projects, we often need to display the total area of an apartment in a tag, directly on the plan view.

Currently, it's not possible to do that in Revit by using the calculated value of all the rooms of an apartment, since we cannot export this value in a tag. So we use Dynamo or the HVAC spaces and zones method, but both of these methods are not ideal (Dynamo need to be launched manually, and the HVAC methode "duplicates" the information).

It would be really helpful to have a "zone" fonction to group multiples rooms and tag the total area, the apartment name, etc.


Best regards,


Rémi AUGEREAU - Architect


If there was like a kind of "Zone" for Rooms, the Rooms Number could then be partly the Number of the Zone like 01.01. where the first "01." is the "Zone" number. We could even take it further and include Super-Zones for buildings and/or floors. so the Room number would be 01.01.01. with the First "01." as building number and the second "01." as Apartmentnumber/Zone number. The we could also get rid of crazy Room numbers like 735, which is really confusing and do dont give you any idea of where the Room actually is and in which Building or Apartment. Imagine room "735 Kitchen". Better is "01.01.01 Kitchen".


There was a similar topic already "Zones option to Rooms" but I want to repeat that. Why Rooms have no such functionality like Zones. We are working on Spaces and Zones so we cannot use Roombook to calculate materials etc.

Is there any chance to make it work as one tool?

Tags (4)

Hi, @GA-LT ,


There are actually several related Revit Ideas. I will combine them to give the votes a boost. Thank you for your Idea submission!


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