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Yes! That is so annoying that we now have these great modeled connections, but we can't apply basic dimensions to them in a section cut. How does Autodesk expect us to communicate our design? Having to add a detail line that will be recognized by the dimension tool defeats much of the purpose of modeling the connections. Come on, Autodesk! Think through this.
I agree, the ability to dimension the bolt center from any bolt top/bottom view (without constant workarounds or overrides) is the preferred behavior. However, for a workaround, it appears setting the view to wireframe will give a reference center point that a dimension can be placed to, after placement, switch the view back to the original visual style. This worked for both linear and aligned dimension types in Revit 2021. One limitation is it appears that the element through which the bolt is placed (the hole) is what contains the reference point. So for example, a section through a footing pedestal with anchor bolts will only give the anchor reference point when the view also contains the baseplate. This is a difficult issue to have to workaround, and it would be preferred that the bolt reference be able to be dimensioned in any view the bolt is visible. Please and thank you Autodesk!