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Make the annotation crop an offset of edited view crops. Or make it an option. We have to manually hide all of annotations beyond the view, as the annotation crop is just a rectangle beyond the extent of the shaped view crop.
When you edit the view crop, the annotation crop boundary follows at the same offset distance. And yet you can still edit the annotation crop boundary too.
EDIT: @doni49 I think the OP means having a non-rectangular Annotation Crop when he talks about "following" the Crop Region (following the shape, not following a change/drag) because he mentioned rectangular vs. "shaped" at the end (and his example image).
For clarification, are you saying that, if I create a callout that is not rectangular, the annotation crop shape should be the same as the non-rectangular crop region shape? Could you provide some more detail about what it is you're looking for?
Yes, it does seem strange that the view crop can be rotated and redrawn, while the annotation crop always remains a rectangle. I like your idea, but wouldn't it be just as easy to hide a couple grid lines, or move the heads closer to the view window?
YES, you are right but there are some data you want to hide by using the annotation crop boundaries and this may be repeated in some areas , so it would be faster to edit the annotation crop boundaries
Hazem, rather than keeping on modifying the grid lines, you can simply adjust the gridlines in one view, then hit propagate extents, and select all of the other views you want the grid lines to match on. Quick and easy.
grids and other tags or 2d data set hidden automatically when it become out of the crop so we need to be able to make the annotation crop follow the crop boundary to get it more fast
It seems like most of the commentators on this post work in the Architecture side. As a MEP guy, when I link Arch or Struct into my model, your gridlines won't crop and I can't adjust them like you can. Yes, I know I could copy/monitor them, but we don't do that for every project.
Great idea Dave - I hope this gains more traction soon.
Why is this not a thing yet? Drafters lose a lot of time checking sheets for what look like floating tags. Also, make grids adjust to the crops. This would be another huge time saver. Propagating extents does not work with plan regions applied.
This is a submittal from one of my awesome students....
We would like to have the Annotation Crop region mimic the shape of a custom callout crop region or be able to make your own custom annotation crop region independent of the crop region.
Annotation crop filter per view template would be extremely useful. Often times I need the crop to hide the cropped rooms space names, but I want to be able to extend the tag information as far off the drawing onto blank space as much as possible for drawing clarity. I would welcome this function in Revit with open arms because of all the workaround one must do per drawing hiding unnecessary space names or annotations.
We are working on a large hospital and need to do thematic views of a passage with a complex from.
We need to document the passage only on a sheet showing only text regarding the passage.
We are able to show only the part we want by customizing the crop view, but we are not able to customize the annotation crop. This has the Issue that a lot of text next door is showing that we want to hide.
Is there a workaround to hide the text? Like placing a region? We can’t do Hide in view because the annotations are linked. The Annotations is tags from a Furniture Family.
Few things look as ugly as a seperate tenant fire protection plan in a centre with a cropped view showing signage and equipment outside of the tenant area 🙈