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Filling in RGB Codes for materials is annoying as it is now.
We can manually fill in the RGB code and save that to the custom colors list. Fine, it works, sort of.
Ideal would be RGB color codes. Such as #FFFFFF, that we can copy and paste real quick anywhere at any time.
Whenever I want to use one of the colors from the web, I'll have to manually type in the (000-000-000) code to get that color. This is not only extra work for no reason but also annoying.
If we could simply copy the code from such websites and paste it in the material browser to immediately get the right color, it would simplify the workflow by a lot. It would also prevent possible typo's that could cause confusion.
Found this, should help somewhat although why it is not in the program itself heaven only knows. You can create and save your own colour book using hex code.
That would be great, typing and remembering three numbers is slower than just copy paste one code ! Autodesk please incorporate this amazing idea. RGB is old fashioned way and time consuming, be in the position of a technician, listen to the users and learn from AutoCAD! Thanks