Copy monitor walls options only shows one wall


Copy monitor walls options only shows one wall


I have a project with several types of walls but every time I go to the next level the copy monitor options reset to just one wall. How can I fix this in a way I don't have to tell Revit to copy X as X instead of Y for all of them?

In this case, I just copy the same type so if there is any idea to say "copy original type" for all the levels that can also work (example D13A copy as D13A)

10 Replies
Replies (10)


Next Level? Why don't you just Copy/Monitor in 3D View?  The Views are all looking at the same Model. 



@barthbradley Thanks for your reply.


It has multiple floors, so I go by level to properly check with contract documents floor by floor. I am going to try that I just selecting the floor I need... But I still have to select each type of wall and indicate to copy the same wall (ex: F13N copy to be F13N instead of F12) any suggestions to fix this part?



So, you are copying Link Walls to Parent Project by first choosing substitute Parent Wall Type(s) under Options followed by pressing Copy, manually selecting Multiple Link Walls and then pressing Finish twice?  Is that your workflow? Almost sounds like you are missing the MULTIPLE part.


Select Multiple.png



Almost, I'm pressing multiple, the problem is that you have to indicate in the options tab how the copy/monitor is going to work if we are copying and using the same wall for everything or using a specific wall for different types (with is the case) but when I'm in option usually have to select from all the list of wall available and indicate to copy F13N as F13N instead of a D13A type of wall... So, the walls repeat on every floor so because they were copying before the "copy original type" is not showing anymore, instead, Revit is just saying they are all going to be D13A.


So far, my workaround is not using copy/monitor but grabbing from the link and copying each wall manually, which gives me the desired result but costs me time.


The ideal is do those steps you show on the picture and got the original wall time every time I'm copy regardless of if I open the Revit file tomorrow or next week. But Revit keeps putting the same type of wall for all of them until I manually change it in options (every time I open the file)



I'm still having trouble understanding. The New Type under Options=>Walls is a drop-down list for each Original Type.  Sounds like you are saying the drop-down doesn't have any other Wall Types in it.  Or are you saying that you are not able to change the Wall Type of a Monitored Wall to a different Wall Type? 


Also, how is Clipboard Copy/Paste a workaround?  There is no monitoring going on.  Are you not concerned with that?  



I see the drop-down of all the walls, I can select any wall but is a list of 30 walls or more and I have to go an indicate for each wall to copy itself as the original type. For every level I have to do this and takes time, I need to check the correct location against the contract document (yes would be much better to trust the linked Revit file, but that would be too easy right?)

The first time they all have "copy original type" as an option but when I go to another level this is no longer an option, instead, I have to select each wall type and indicate to copy the same wall (F13N copy as F13N) because they all come as default with the same wall (I don't know if that is normal but I think they should stay as the original type instead of just going by default) Example: in the picture attach where they all show the default wall, then I have to change one by one in the drop-down.


Thanks for keeping with these issues to try and find a solution, I tend to have trouble explaining myself in English. I really appreciate.



First of all, why are you Copy/Monitoring from each Level (e.g. View of the Model). Make it a one-time operation by Copy/Monitoring Multiple Walls (at multiple Levels) from 3D View.  Now, as for Wall Types and copying Original to New: can easily change the Monitored Wall Type after-the-fact by selecting another Type from the Preview Selector to replace it with. Or you could just rename the Monitored Wall Type. Bottom line is that you don't need to go through Copy/Monitor all over again.  





Why do you need to copy monitor every wall in the first place?



I think the why is irrelevant to finding the solution... but I work for a drywall and ceiling company we need to coordinate with other trades our critical framing in walls, our process is with a plugin where we need a host to insert studs, kingstud, header. That's the reason to need the walls. Now we don't do copy and monitor normally because requires setting all the templates and is easier to miss any error because the walls are not always modeled until deck height, our studs don't always work perfectly for any wall opening or wall edit so we have to fix those before our studs come to play to be more accurate



Is a building with 18 floors and a massive layout, which makes finding errors more complicated than going by zone on each level. Our process is with a plugin where we need a host to insert studs, king studs, and header. That's the reason to need the walls. Now we don't do copy and monitor normally because requires setting all the templates and is easier to miss any error because the walls are not always modeled until deck height, our studs don't always work perfectly for any wall opening or wall edit so we have to fix those before our studs come to play to be more accurate.


I try to use copy/monitor (I'm new in the company) per zone in the level so I can copy walls faster rather than selecting each one in the zone I need to work, that way I jump one step and move forward to a better/faster way


Also, for some reason, the coordination process depends on matching contract documents (yes, the ones that come from Revit models) so I have to move walls to match any dimension they have in those documents (yes dimensions that should be the same but sometimes human error comes and select another layer of the wall, and yes I have to now use that wrong dimension). But I still need to proper model the walls because they are not always reaching deck, correct ceiling or other stuff.