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Update orientation of axes by two points

Update orientation of axes by two points

At the moment it is only possible to align the x axis by clicking on one point, which takes the normal of the chosen point. That es not very exact.


It would be nice to have the possibility to align the x (or y) axis by clicking two points on a parallel axis.


In my example I often align the x axis by a long wall.

Very much needed. Note that measurements in x or y directions are not accurate, if the axes cannot be aligned to a main feature like a long wall.
Status changed to: Under Review
Not applicable

Most of our customers also want to have a tool to orientate there pointcloud exactly.

Would be fine, if there will be not just a two-click-tool but the possibility to choose a plane by using a selection of points. Then this plane will used for orientation together with another plane or points.

Another solution could be, that the user can click as many points on the groundplan as he wants and ReCap calculates out of this points a average plane. Also do so for x,y orientation.


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