(Copied from original User Voice forum)
"Adding and removing of collections in the renderSetup has broken selection Logic. The problem is, that when selection objects in the outliner and clicking on "Add" , those items get added to the simpleSelector node (collection). But subsequently pressing on remove, doesn't remove those items, because the selection for removing items in queried from the simpleSelector StaticSelection box (where all the collection items are listed). Yes, one can double click in the collection menu on an item to select it in the outler, but you can't select multiple items with that. There is also no button doing that. The Button 'select' which would suggest the marked items get selected in the outliner is actually selectinga ll Collection items. The tooltip for "select" says: "Select the nodes in the scene included by this selection" The tooltip for "Select All" says: "Select the nodes in the scene included by this collection" BUT: one does select the items in the collection menu, the other selects the items in the scene/outliner. But they both clearly say: "Select the nodes in the Scene" So the artist would go ahead and select an item in this box, but from now on, The Scene/Outliner Selection is no longer synced with the collection menu. Also once an item got selected in the collection Menu, there is no chance to clear the whole selection. Maya gets more and more fragmented with each release. The Rendersetup Ui is nice and all but when dealing with more complex scenes 50 items+ manually looking for items through the collection menus is counterproductive. The Artists are organizing their scene in the outliner, so please also use the outliner to display Collections. My Suggestions: First to temporarily fix this problem: Sync the outliner selection with the collection items. There is actually never a need to seperate these two. So dont do that. For example: Instead of Collections just use Sets, the Artist can add/remove all items they want to have in a "collection" to the Set, it doesn't break with the logic of the rest of Maya and is much more organized. U can call them partitions if you want."
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