How to access Camera Bookmark Editor with hotkeys?


How to access Camera Bookmark Editor with hotkeys?


Hi! everyone.


I want to access Camera Bookmark Editor with a hotkey. I found this command is MEL Procedure.

# mel procedure

Is there a command to access this in either Pymel or maya.cmds or MEL to access the Camera Bookmark Editor?

Any help would be appreciated.

Bookmark EditorBookmark Editor


Accepted solutions (1)
8 Replies
Replies (8)


The command wants you to specify also a camera. For example, "persp".
cameraBookmarkEditor persp;



Hi! @dinofiguera .


Thanks for your answer.

@dinofiguera wrote:

The command wants you to specify also a camera. For example, "persp".
cameraBookmarkEditor persp;

It works when I use the cameraBookmarkEditor persp;
But the camera name has to be accepted no matter what it is. So, the commands I thought I could use are = True) and cmds.listCameras().

import maya.cmds as cmds

def getCameraName:
    getCamName = = True)
    camList = cmds.listCameras(getCamName)

# Error: invalid syntax

I don't know what kind of code I should make.

Any help would be appreciated.



Unfortunately, I never used Python in my life. I´m an old-school MEL grampa, 
I write my tools in MEL, and guess what? I´m not even a programmer. I just learned how to assemble code pieces that I find around. 
Getting the camera from the viewport sounds simpler than it actually is.  There might be a one-line code in Python
But I have always used this piece of MEL code in my scripts, 
That has been always reliable.

global string $gMainPane;
string $mainPaneCtls[];
string $visPanels[];
string $panelName;
string $panelCtl, $edCtl;
string $modelEd;
int    $nArr;
int    $i;
string $newViewFound;
string $newView;
//  First try to find something in the main pane.
if ($gMainPane != "") {
$mainPaneCtls = `paneLayout -q -ca $gMainPane`;
$nArr = size($mainPaneCtls);
for ($i = 0; $i < $nArr; $i++) {
$panelName = `getPanel -containing $mainPaneCtls[$i]`;
if ("" != $panelName) {
if ("modelPanel" == `getPanel -to $panelName`) {
if (!`control -q -io $mainPaneCtls[$i]`) {
$modelEd = `modelPanel -q -modelEditor $panelName`;
if ("" != $modelEd) {
// If this view is already active, let's
// continue to use it.
if (`modelEditor -q -activeView $modelEd`)
$newView = $modelEd;
string $camera = `modelPanel -q -camera $newView`;
print $camera;
//put your commands to execute here
return $newView;
//Hope this helps!


Hi! @dinofiguera .
I have put cameraBookmarkEditor into //put your commands to execute here in your code.
I entered the following error code and could not open the Camera Bookmark Editor.

global string $gMainPane;
string $mainPaneCtls[];
string $visPanels[];
string $panelName;
string $panelCtl, $edCtl;
string $modelEd;
int    $nArr;
int    $i;
string $newViewFound;
string $newView;
//  First try to find something in the main pane.
if ($gMainPane != "") {
$mainPaneCtls = `paneLayout -q -ca $gMainPane`;
$nArr = size($mainPaneCtls);
for ($i = 0; $i < $nArr; $i++) {
$panelName = `getPanel -containing $mainPaneCtls[$i]`;
if ("" != $panelName) {
if ("modelPanel" == `getPanel -to $panelName`) {
if (!`control -q -io $mainPaneCtls[$i]`) {
$modelEd = `modelPanel -q -modelEditor $panelName`;
if ("" != $modelEd) {
// If this view is already active, let's
// continue to use it.
if (`modelEditor -q -activeView $modelEd`)
$newView = $modelEd;
string $camera = `modelPanel -q -camera $newView`;
print $camera;
return $newView;
// Error: break;
// Error: Line 40.5: Syntax error
// Error: return $newView;
// Error: Line 48.16: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition.
editMenuUpdate MayaWindow|mainEditMenu;

To confirm, cameraBookmarkEditor was able to find the code for the mel Procedure.

//  Procedure Name:
//      cameraBookmarkEditor
//  Description:
//      Display an editor for editting the bookmarks associated with
//      camera.
global proc cameraBookmarkEditor( string $camera )
    string $title = (uiRes("m_cameraBookmarkEditor.kBookmarkEditor"));
    $title = `format -s $camera $title`;

    string $win = `window -title $title -iconName (uiRes("m_cameraBookmarkEditor.kBookmarks")) cameraBookmarkWindow`;
        formLayout winForm;
            textScrollList -height 180 list;

            columnLayout -adj true col;
                textFieldGrp -label (uiRes("m_cameraBookmarkEditor.kName")) name;
                textFieldGrp -label (uiRes("m_cameraBookmarkEditor.kDescription")) desc;
                separator -style none -height 15;

                formLayout btnForm;
                    button -label (uiRes("m_cameraBookmarkEditor.kApply")) apply;
                    button -label (uiRes("m_cameraBookmarkEditor.kAddToShelf")) shelf;
                    button -label (uiRes("m_cameraBookmarkEditor.kNewBookmark")) new;
                    button -label (uiRes("m_cameraBookmarkEditor.kNew2DBookmark")) new2D;
                    button -label (uiRes("m_cameraBookmarkEditor.kDelete")) del;
                setParent ..;

                button -label (uiRes("m_cameraBookmarkEditor.kClose")) close;

    formLayout -e
        -af apply left 0
        -af apply top 0
        -ap apply right 2 15
        -af apply bottom 10

        -af shelf top 0
        -ap shelf left 0 15
        -ap shelf right 2 35
        -af shelf bottom 10

        -af new top 0
        -ap new left 0 35
        -ap new right 2 58
        -af new bottom 10

        -af new2D top 0
        -ap new2D left 0 58
        -ap new2D right 2 85
        -af new2D bottom 10

        -af del right 0
        -af del top 0
        -ap del left 0 85
        -af del bottom 10


    formLayout -e
        -af list left 15
        -af list top 10
        -af list right 15
		-ac list bottom 10 col

        -af col left 10
        -af col bottom 10
        -af col right 10



   textScrollList -e -sc ("cameraBookmarkListCB "+$win) list;
   textScrollList -e -dcc ("cameraBookmarkApplyCB "+$win+" "+$camera) list;
   textScrollList -e -dkc ("cameraBookmarkDelCB "+$win+" "+$camera) list;
   textFieldGrp -e -cc ("cameraBookmarkNameCB "+$win+" "+$camera) name;
   textFieldGrp -e -cc ("cameraBookmarkDescCB "+$win+" "+$camera) desc;
   button -e -c ("cameraBookmarkApplyCB "+$win+" "+$camera) apply;
   button -e -c ("cameraBookmarkShelfCB "+$win+" "+$camera) shelf;
   button -e -c ("cameraBookmarkNewCB "+$win+" "+$camera) new;
   button -e -c ("cameraBookmarkNew2DCB "+$win+" "+$camera) new2D;
   button -e -c ("cameraBookmarkDelCB "+$win+" "+$camera) del;
   button -e -c ("deleteUI "+$win) close;

    showWindow $win;

I would like to follow @dinofiguera 's example of how you were able to create an awesome MEL command even though you are not a programmer. I'm not a programmer either, but I want to do my best.😄

Any help would be appreciated.

Accepted solution

My mistake, as the error said, the command "Return" needs to be inside a procedure, and to simplify, I took out the script from its procedure. That´s a non-programmer mistake. 🙂
This is the correct code to open the camera bookmark editor from your current view.
If this worked out for you, please accept it as a solution.

global proc string openBookmarkEditor() {
global string $gMainPane;
string $mainPaneCtls[];
string $visPanels[];
string $panelName;
string $panelCtl, $edCtl;
string $modelEd;
int    $nArr;
int    $i;
string $newViewFound;
string $newView;
//  First try to find something in the main pane.
if ($gMainPane != "") {
$mainPaneCtls = `paneLayout -q -ca $gMainPane`;
$nArr = size($mainPaneCtls);
for ($i = 0; $i < $nArr; $i++) {
$panelName = `getPanel -containing $mainPaneCtls[$i]`;
if ("" != $panelName) {
if ("modelPanel" == `getPanel -to $panelName`) {
if (!`control -q -io $mainPaneCtls[$i]`) {
$modelEd = `modelPanel -q -modelEditor $panelName`;
if ("" != $modelEd) {
if (`modelEditor -q -activeView $modelEd`)
$newView = $modelEd;
string $camera = `modelPanel -q -camera $newView`;
cameraBookmarkEditor $camera;
print $camera;
return $newView;

"I would like to follow @dinofiguera 's example of how you were able to create an awesome MEL command even though you are not a programmer. I'm not a programmer either, but I want to do my best."

Not sure what you mean but I like to think there is no negative irony here, 
Just because I am spending time of my life to solve your problem. 🙂




Thank you very much. @dinofiguera .
I was able to confirm that your code solves the problem. I decided to write a new message to you because just accepting your solution is not enough to express my gratitude.

I am sorry if my writing offended you. I apologize. I usually double-check my sentences after translating them with the Deepl translation tool, but I still ended up with such a rude sentence. I promise to be very careful not to do that in the future.


What I wanted to say was that I feel like I can't do anything and that I need to learn and improve, and that it is my dream to be able to help this community.

Anyway, to @dinofiguera , thank you very much.



Hey Man, no problem. I´m glad that this helped out. Don´t worry, It is not easy to offend me 😄  
I wrote that answer in a good mood, I´m just a straightforward Italian guy. I like to be direct and to fight 
this political correctness that is destroying humanity 😄



@dinofiguera wrote:

Hey Man, no problem. I´m glad that this helped out. Don´t worry, It is not easy to offend me 😄  
I wrote that answer in a good mood, I´m just a straightforward Italian guy. I like to be direct and to fight 
this political correctness that is destroying humanity 😄


Ha ha. I did not expect to hear the term "political correctness" mentioned.🤣🤣🤣
I too dislike political correctness. It is unfortunate that I am in Japan, the most separated country with regard to political correctness. However, Autodesk may see what we are talking about and block us. I don't care what happens to me. (However, I will be marching in protest to tell Autodesk Japan to get out of Japan.)