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MMB (Middle Mouse Button) on document tabs to close

MMB (Middle Mouse Button) on document tabs to close

In many tab-based programs, such as internet browsers, clicking the scroll wheel (a.k.a. Middle Mouse Button or MMB) on a tab will close it. This is a very quick and handy feature. It would be nice to be able to use this to close document tabs in Inventor.


MMB to close.png


Thanks for sharing



Since MMB already has a function (Pan) in Inventor, couldn't this lead to accidentally closing files?  Especially drawings.


Ex.  You've just opened a large drawing, but haven't made any changes yet.  You look away for a minute at something else, then back at your screen.  You start to pan, without taking notice of the fact that your mouse cursor is over the tab.  Since you haven't made any changes yet, drawing closes without asking to save, so you don't have a chance to cancel the close.  Now you get to wait for that large drawing file to open again. . .


I agree with @jtylerbc 


I like the idea, but isn't a right-click and close almost as fast? I think it should be a little more difficult to close Inventor tabs than to close tabs in an internet browser... 


@jtylerbc, I think it's very unlikely you'd accidentally close a file this way. Here's why:


  1. I really doubt you actually pan without taking notice of where your mouse cursor is first. Panning is a mouse action. Like all other mouse actions, it only works if your mouse is actually in the right place when you go to start the action. If your mouse is in the ribbon area, or the model browser, or anywhere besides the graphics canvas, panning won't work. Have you ever gone to pan and then realized it wasn't working? Probably not. Because even if you do it subconsciously, you're probably making sure the mouse is in the graphics area before you start panning.
  2. Even if you have ever tried to pan and then realized your mouse wasn't in the graphics area, that doesn't mean that you could have accidentally closed a tab, because (you can test this out in Chrome), MMB to close only works when the button down AND button up events happen while the mouse is over the tab. If you click down while over a tab and then move the mouse even slightly (and for pan you probably move it more than slightly) so it's no longer on the same tab, nothing will happen when you release the button. You would have to start to pan, drag the mouse a little bit, realize pan isn't working, then release the MMB with the cursor still over the SAME drawing tab (which is only a few pixels high and about an inch wide).

The odds of ALL of those things coming together at the same time (you not checking where the cursor was before panning, the cursor being directly over a drawing tab, the cursor STILL being directly over the SAME drawing tab when you release the MMB, the document having been just freshly opened, AND the document being one that takes a long time to open) .... ALL at the same time? The odds are likely within the improbable.


And in the one in a million chance that that did almost happen, all you would have to do to stop it is look for your cursor when you start to drag and pan doesn't work. If you see it's over a document tab, drag it up a few millimeters and problem solved.


But if you're really that concerned... as always, that's what options are for. 😉


@el_jefe_de_steak, if you're just closing one document, then it's about the same. But if you're a CAD admin like me, and you're frequently testing things that involves opening a bunch of test/dummy documents and then closing all of them. Or if you get to the end of working on part of a project and want to close most of the documents you have open. Holding the cursor in one place and hitting MMB several times is much faster.


Maybe it is an unrealistic chain of events that would lead to an accidental closure.  I was just envisioning some of my less-experienced users doing it, then coming to me in a panic about why their files keep closing, and then me having to calm them down and try to figure out what they did  . . .


I must admit, I don't use this feature all that often even in web browsers.  So the way that the Mouse Down/Mouse Up events work didn't really occur to me.

@jtylerbc wrote:

I was just envisioning some of my less-experienced users doing it, then coming to me in a panic about why their files keep closing, and then me having to calm them down and try to figure out what they did . . .

Haha, I can understand that. It is a valid concern, that's why I took the time to defend it. It is indeed a possibility, but I think an improbable one. But I could be wrong, so an application option would be nice for those who are concerned.


@DRoam  regarding the previous comment to me... I understand now and see how your suggestion would be useful. May I suggest that you look into the built-in "close all" command that lives in the popup menu at the lower right hand of your window. I know this is a blanket "close all" and doesn't allow you to leave some windows open, but it may work for you in some situations.


Maybe combine the MMB with a modifier key?


@DRoam Looks like this has been implemented in v2021.2.  🙂


Wow, indeed it is! This is awesome! Thanks for the heads up, @jeffg28CLY! This will be so nice to have.


@dan_szymanski I guess this can be marked as implemented? I also don't think I've seen it in any "What's New", may be worth adding.


I didn't see it mentioned in any release notes either; I checked back a few versions too. I guess some little things don't make it into the release notes?

Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

Yes, this was implemented recently. I'll follow up to find out why it was omitted from the What's New & get it added.


Thanks to everyone who voted for it.



Great, thank you Chris!


@ChrisMitchell01 Hey Chris! How would I get the MMB to close documents? My main work computer has it working and when I use a coworker's computer w/ Inventor 2021, it doesn't close. I can't seem to find it in the options.

Community Manager

There isn't an Inventor option for this (to my knowledge). Perhaps compare the Windows mouse settings between the 2 computers?

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