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Lighting Adjustability in IDW Shaded Views

Lighting Adjustability in IDW Shaded Views

It would be great to be able to adjust lighting highlights on shaded views in an IDW file. This would be independent of model appearances & would not be saved to the model. But it would allow us to move the lights dynamically around an ISO view to get it looking it's best.


So often the model shading does not emphasize the geometry expecially with dark colors. The ability to move the lights around for the shaded idw views would solve this without compromising how the model is used downstream in renderings, etc.


Another option would be to make the shaded models dynamically adjustable right in the IDW view instead of going through the tedious "Adjust View Angle".


See attached example.

Notice that the image on right is exactly how it appears in the model. It's much better defined with lighting highlights. The drawing on the left is how the same exact same model apears in the drawing, not well defined.





Status changed to: Under Review
Not applicable

It would also be nice to have a simple lighten/darken feature, where you could simply click a +/- button to make the shaded view easier to see.


This wish is also wanted by our CAD department. We have to make assembly instructions on our drawings. These are defined by making shaded views. But these views are too dark for our production personel to 'read'. A big Kudo here...


In the "good old days" the lighting was saved in the view representations and changing the lighting in the view representation used by a drawing view would update the lighting of that drawing view.
In Inventor 2010 when the realistic shading was introduced this changed. Now the drawing views get the "Default" lighting style as it is saved in the Style Library when the drawing is created. (Note that the default lighting style of the model templates installed with inventor is not "Default" but "Two Lights".)

So to change the lighting of a drawing view, change the "Default" lighting style of a model file and save it to your Style Library and create a new drawing. Copy the drawing view from the old drawing and paste it into the new one and you have adjusted the lighting of your view.

This behavior means that all shaded views of a drawing will get the same lighting style.

Since we have Inventor Studio, 3ds max design, Showcase and so on to produce realistic renderings I think that the ability to more easily adjust the lighting of shaded drawing views like pre Inventor 2010 is much more useful than the realistic shading of the model.


Johan Broström


When created shaded views of a model in a drawing, it would be benenficial to be able to select a lighting style for each view. Currently the shaded views always display as the default lighting style. When looking at a bottom or bottom isotropic view, the model looks very dark using the default lighting.

Not applicable

This has long been wanted and needed.


Adding a view interactive brightness control would be a good place to start as noted. Being able to specify the lighting style/IBL style per view is also a good option, but may be "heavy" in terms of computation. The background would be off as a default and maybe not even available in "drawings" - but that would be for product designers to work out.


Not applicable

Enable the part/assembly lighting to be used in the drawing:


this note mentions editing the xls file but it could be simpler!







Status changed to: Gathering Support

Hi Andrew, I am marking your idea as duplicate of the following idea:

Please cast your kudo to the Master Idea as to not split votes.  Thanks! -Dan

Status changed to: Accepted

Accepted idea [454]. Thanks!

Status changed to: Gathering Support

Hello, I am marking this a duplicate of the following Idea:

Please visit the Master Idea (logged 2/27/2013) to cast your kudo as to not split votes.  Thanks! -Dan



So what is the current status of this idea? You firs posted "Accepted" and than a minute later "Gathering support" again.




I would also to add in the subject that there should be on option to link lighting style of a given idw view to lighting style of a part or assembly or to leave it as it is now, so to use some global lighting style for idw views, or to set lighting style for a particular view in idw via view settings or Custom View Orientation window


So it would be best if this feature was fully flexible.


There are also other aspects that must be taken in to consideration when introducing this change. This are:

  1. PDF & DWF export should follow lighting style of view in idw rather the one set in part or assembly environment, which is current behaviour.
  2. DVR in IPT and IAM should hold the setting for lighting style activated, shading, and all relevant view settings per DVR (which is not current behaviour)



Hello @Cris-Ideas, my apologies regarding the ping-pong status of this idea.  This idea now exists within our backlog for future consideration (per the definition of "Accepted" posted here).  Additionally we attempt to review all related comments (within an idea) or similar ideas prior to settling upon a final solution.  So thanks for the additional aspects.  Regards, -Dan 

Not applicable

I have tried several lighting options to get rid of the shadows on the drawing sheets as seen in these screen shots attached.


Any suggestions out there?  Autodesk has stated there is NO option to turn off and on of this feature of lights & shadows!  True colors do not appear like this and earlier versions of Inventor prior to 2013 was much better!

Not applicable

I submitted a post very similar to this request yesterday (01/30/2017) and got an email from author "gcross" this morning saying he had already put one up on the forum like this.  Autodesk folks .... you need to respond to these 45 votes.  This request will not go away on its own, and this dates back to 4 years now ... c'mon man

Not applicable

I'm suspecting it's not going to arrive anytime soon as it's been 4  years and I thought Solidworks were deaf to users.....  😞 but x2stmic is quite right, we need to shout louder and more often via the votes button I suppose.


I like rptandy's idea too. Not only should we be able to select the lighting style in a drawing, and move the lighting dynamically around the model to get the drawing views easier to see, but a simple +/-  lighting control to highlight or darken the drawing view would be nice and could offer a quick fix to get prints out if you didn't have time to move lights around.


What would everyone here think if we (as an initial approach) provided a setting that leveraged model lighting as defined within the .ipt or .iam in your drawing views?  Would this satisfy a large percentage of scenarios that you feel are lacking via the default shaded view display today? 


I think that would be a step in the right direction, but I'd say that is only about half the battle. On detailed machine parts for example I sometimes want to show more than the typical Front, Right, Top & Top/Front ISO views. If I show a back or bottom view at the same time, with shading turned on, then there will still be at least one view that is dark and more difficult to see.

Could it be possible to apply different model lighting definitions for each drawing view? That way I could select the best lighting for that view, and even create my own custom "Back/Bottom Highlight" lighting definition to use for the appropriate views.


After reading mmiller's comment I agree there needs to be individual view adjustment of lighting. I also think that the comment from Cris-Ideas about exporting factors needs to be taken into consideration.

Not applicable

Accepted on 04-29-2015, still not in the latest release. Doesn't bode well in ever getting it Cat Sad

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