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Extrude an overlap closed area in a sketch

Extrude an overlap closed area in a sketch

There are quite a few ideas for closed loop extrudes or identifying whether they are closed or not. However I couldn't see any asking for this, if I create a really simple sketch of two overlapping rectangles:


sketch 1.PNG


It is impossible to simply pick the overlap area, which is effectively a closed profile and extrude/revolve:


sketch 2.PNG


The only way appears to be splitting the sketch geometry, which then allows you select the overlap area as closed boundary:


sketch 3.PNG


This seems like extra steps, which you shouldn't need to make and other applications do not require you to split!





Related idea: Circular Array in sketch. See my comment here.



In English please. If not we may not analyse and vote on it. Thks.


Hi @symayl 


如大家的评论,如果希望得到更多人的支持,建议使用英文来提交,或者你可以把你的需求发送给我们(发送信息给你)。在你提交的需求中,在Inventor Idea 中有类似的帖子,请参考。 有用户注意到Fusion 360中支持更好地判别封闭的轮廓,你可以去支持下面的帖子


Fusion 360-Closed Profile.PNG



@DRoam and @ceflamarion

The submitter request for better detection of closed sketch profile. In author attached snapshots, Inventor can't detect the closed profile unless add intersection points manually. Right now, Fusion support it very well, so I suggested the author to cast votes to below idea.





Community Manager
You can also place a point on each intersection to help inventor find the intersecting loops.

 Several lines are intersected

in the sketch (Figure 1). When a feature line is made, a few lines are unclosed by default. It is necessary to create points on the intersection line segments to choose (Figure 2).
Please look at the attachments!3Q 


@PaulMunford,Bingo,But it's obvious that it's smart enough.


I have used NX before, which offers a multitude of methods of selecting your region. I am surprised at how poorly Inventor does this.


Naturally, any two lines that cross, is an intersection. There should be no need to actively put a "point" where lines intersect. In addition, I have often struggled with complex geometries where "points" do not help.  Even if my geometry is 100% symmetric (lines, points, intersection, etc), Inventor still does not correctly select regions in the two perfectly symmetrical halves. I then have to spend a lot of time gradually destroying my sketch, by trimming away parts of the sketch.


The bottom line is; where two lines or curves (circles etc) meet or cross, that is a "point", and base for a new region.


Status changed to: Implemented

This request has been implemented without extra points added to the intersection, refer to the below snapshot.

Closed Profile.png


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