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Auto Emboss Ruler

Auto Emboss Ruler

It would be awesome if you could emboss a ruler on a face in just a few clicks.
Sometimes I create a custom ruler for parts that can be adjusted in height.
Even though its pretty easy to create, it still is time consuming.

I would like to see a function in '3D Model' -> 'Create' where you could just draw a line and add a ruler along the line.
Or apply it from a starting point and give it an direction, or whatever else

It should have a few parameters like:

-Imperial/ metric
-Step size (example: a line every 1 mm, every 5 mm, 10 mm, 0.5m, etc...)
-Numbers next to the line: on/off & and numbers step size (example: evrey 5 mm, every 10 mm, etc...)

-Position of the numbers along the line (numbers next to it, on top of it, in an angle on top of it, etc...)

- Straight ruler, angle ruler

-Line weights (thickness, Length)

-Line weight per step (example: every 1 mm a short line, every 5 mm a medium line, every 10mm a long line.
-Set starting number from specific line. (so you can start for ex. at 20mm and continue from there)

-Set starting distance from specific plane. (this will calculate the distance from an face and start numbering from there.

Sounds to me like a nice challange for the programming guysSmiley Wink

Please feel free to add more functions to this idea!

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Duplicate: Ruler



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