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2023 Home Screen

2023 Home Screen

Restore the 2022 version Home Screen in 2023, or else allow the option to enable the previous or "Legacy" functionality.


The fix only lasted a few days then it quit working again and I haven't been able to get it working again. You don't realize how nice it is having this feature work until it doesn't. Not having this really slows down my efficiency in opening a file. Any word from the developers in when we might see a fix for this? I would even send them a box of donuts if it would get them motivated.😁

Is this releated to the entire Home Screen move to left after a file is closed down? If you is ready with mouse on the next big assembly you would like to open, and the click open wrong assembly you potentially lost 15 minutes of work time to first close the assembly for 5 minutes, then select wrong file because Home Screen moves to left as soon as the file close, then another 5 minutes of waiting to close the wrong big assembly. Then another 5 minutes to open the correct big assembly. Autodesk, why do the Home Screen needs to MOVE it`s position in the program. That behavior is by now the worst part of Inventor 2023!

Kongsberg Maritime


First I have not read thru the 5 pages of comments here, so this might have already been covered. I have been using the Home screen since it first came out, most recent versions 2018, and now 2022. The Home Screen needs to be a place where we can quickly get to our files.  I get it that yall want to clean it up, but we don't want things hidden behind a drop-down. What might be good for me, might not be for others.  First and for-most that stands out to me that needs to be added back is the list of "Pinned Files". I still want to see the recently used also below the "Pinned Files".


Inv 2022 Home Screen1.png


Notice how much space is wasted in Inv  2023.1  as compared to 2022.



Inv 2023 Home Screen _1.png










I think this is because the "Options" was moved down beside the filename.  Since this is rarely used (for me anyways), why not leave it where it was in 2022.  Saves a bunch of room.  Look at the next clip of Inv 2022.  Notice how tight the different files are listed.



Inv 2023 Home Screen _2.png

This is from 2022 where the options was in the sub-menu in the upper left of each pinned file.


What I like about 2023 and 2024. When I first open Inv 2022 (or any previous inv versions).  The left side of the home screen looks like this. Notice the area on the left side.



Now when I open a file and return to the home screen it changes to this with the model tree shown.  Never understood how this is helpful. Totally wasted space.




This is a good improvement for 2023 and 2024. It always goes back to this on the left side.




After all that, my vote would be to leave it like it is in 2022, but just get rid of the model tree that appears after I open a file.












I'm having some problems with the new home screen as of Inventor 2024.0.1; We skipped over 2023 so I'm not sure if these are new issues or things that managed to go unreported through all of 2023...Recent docs and file details.png

Two problems I'd like to note when compared to this screenshot from Inventor 2022. Firstly, I can not for the life of me find an option ANYWHERE to toggle my recent files display between  my "Active Project" and "All Recent Files", yet as of Inv2022 it was a convenient one click toggle. I open files outside of my project workspace all day every day. I am in a senior position in my department and constantly I am consulted to look at things on a junior coworkers design, OR look at existing projects that are out of engineering an on the manufacturing floor, or out at a customer's site being installed. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PUT THIS BACK. And if the option is put back in some menu hidden three levels deep I am going to be spamming this board to fix THAT. 


Now secondly, from my recent documents, I previously right clicked on the thumbnail and clicked "File Details" which would bring up the panel in the upper right for viewing the file details. As of Inventor 2024, you can now toggle between grid view with thumbnails, and list view, with file details. Is it too much to ask to be able to see the thumbnail? Shown below is my roughly made in MS Paint suggestion for either a third view or an optional toggle for list view. In the space next to the thumbnail, IF that portion of the window is large enough the options that normally show up on a right click of a thumbnail could be listed as well.Proposed list upgrade.png

I would probably prefer the opposite version of this suggestion, where I have all the thumbnails from grid view, and selecting any one file shows me the file details for that one file, but I very much see these two combinations as something many users would want one or the other, compared to what is available right now.


Next, an issue someone else mentioned that I want to reiterate. The "Open Vault..."/"Open..." button defaults to the Vault option when you have a Vault project active. It then remembers in the session to stick to the last used if you switch, but as soon as you close and reopen Inventor, it goes back to "Open Vault..." which doesn't even work if you're not logged in. We have many users work remotely for short periods of time. The typical work flow would be to get/check-out all files from the vault that are needed ahead of time, and perform check-ins when back in the office a couple days later. In this instance the worker is solely using their local workspace and the open from Vault is a hindrance. 


Next issue, if the column preceding the "Pinned" column extends too far to the right, it causes the 3-dot menu button to overlap with the thumbtack for pinning. I want to stress that as shown in my screenshot, if you highlight the buttons, they are very clearly not physically overlapping based on the border shown (which I have redrawn in MS paint), but I can only click on the very left edge of the pin. The 3-dot menu seems to exist in its own column that sits entirely on top and is wider than the button itself. The issue is hard to explain. Basically, push the left edge of the pinned column far to the right and try to pin/unpin files and you should be able to recreate the problem. Clicking on the pin just doesn’t do anything, because it is covered up by something that isn't clickable.Pinned file issue.png

Agree! A lot of good sugestions here. And dont forget possibility to move Name as the very left property in Grid View. And possibility to add any Custom Property the grid. This property id normally the most important ones at customer site 😉

I forgot to add my biggest issue so far with the new home screen. It's not like a big loss of productivity, but it shows me that whoever all tried out this UI need a refresher on UI design. There is a 3 dots button to the right of the projects dropdown. I click this button and it opens a menu with a single option, called "Settings". This button opens the "Projects" window. 

1) This button should say "Projects" or at the very least "Projects Settings" it absolutely should not be entirely different in name from the dialog box it opens.

2) This button should not be the only option buried into a menu when there's an abundance of space all around it.Projects settings.png

Why is this button inside of a menu as the only option in the menu? The only viable answer I can come up with is that the menu is intended to have other options in there, but is incomplete. If that's not the answer, it's a stupid menu that's a waste of a click. If it IS the answer, the menu is clearly unfinished and like the rest of this home screen it needed to spend more time in development before being pushed out into a production version of the software. Please Autodesk take this to heart: can we please with each release not take 2 steps forward and 1 step back? Take 1 confident step forward instead, by releasing only fully tested features, especially when replacing existing functionality. I can't count the number of times Autodesk employees have said on this forum that they can't make X change because it would affect Y legacy workflow, yet here with UI the wheel is being reinvented and forced on us, for minimal functional benefit.


Fully Agree on this One ad well!
Autodesk, please Take Feedback on Home screen into account!

Steinar Sørem
Cad Adm
Kongsberg Discovery


Hi all, thank you for all of your input -- I've been working on compiling a list of these ideas to bring back to the team that works on AppHome. Please let me know if there's any misunderstanding, clarification needed, or any other further input on these ideas:


  • Provide a way to easily toggle between Active Project documents and All Recent documents (e.g. the one click toggle pre-2023 AppHome).
  • Ability to view file details from Grid View (suggestions include a toggle to view File Details from Grid View, add File Details as an option in each file's context menu, display the file details when clicking on a file, or implement a third View option which contains information from both views).
  • Move the Grid View file action menus (3-dot menus) next to the pin/select buttons.
  • Ability to move the position of the Name column .
  • Rename the Project selector action menu item "Settings" to something like "Project settings" since it simply opens the projects dialog. (Or consider if there should even be an action menu since this is the only item in it, unless there plans to add more options here.) Building on that idea further, consider adding a one click Project settings menu beneath the Project selector so it is more easily accessible and not hidden beneath a menu.


Again, please let me know if I've missed anything. Thanks!


As for some of the other ideas and issues mentioned…


Hi @steinar_sorem  -- about the possibility to add any custom property to the grid -- as you know, AppHome supports Vault properties and default iProperties (as of 2023.2), but we have an Open story for supporting custom properties that I'm currently waiting for a target fix version to be set for. I will get back to you once it is set, hopefully this week.


Hi @gregory_nickol, I have a question about your comments on the Open/Open from Vault workflow. I just learned that, for Vault Projects, you can toggle between "Open Vault..." and "Open" using the dropdown button, where the latter doesn't require you to login to Vault and defaults to your local Vault workspace. In case you weren't aware of this before, does this address the inconvenience you and your team are currently finding with the workflow? Or is there some additional functionality that would benefit you? Thanks in advance!




Hi @rena_andrews 
I am still not able to sort out how to add Custom Properties to Home Screen with Grid State using Inventor 2023.3

steinarsorem_0-1692650462602.pngHow to?


Hi @steinar_sorem, my apologies, I misspoke in the previous comment (I'll update that). I looked at the relevant story again and unfortunately it looks like only default iProperties (not custom) are supported as of 2023.2 as you are already aware.
I see that we do have an Open story (INVGEN-63549) for adding support for custom properties, but it doesn't yet have a Fix version assigned. The developer assigned to that story is out on vacation for several weeks, but I've requested we look into a target for this story in an upcoming planning meeting this week and will get back to you once I learn the details. Thanks again for your input.


@rena_andrewsI've got a couple small things:


1. Why isn't there "Get from Vault" option in the outlined context menu illustrated below? Or just just have Inventor automatically do that on open attempt if the file isn't on disk, and query if I want to check out as well as usual (Or both menu item and automatic behaviour). If you routinely check-in your work in every day as a backup measure, and purge the files on disk as well to keep everything neat and clean, it sort of defeats the point of having the files pinned to the "Home"-tab interface if you have to open Vault to get them anyway.


Skjermbilde 2023-08-22 085012.png


2. Not sure if I've already posted the following in this thread earlier, but anyway: I believe that most of us pratice the habit of using our own templates for the various file types, to an extent at least, and any form of direct access to these templates on the Home-screen is beneficial to the workflow. Furthermore; if you do use your own template, you likely never use the standard template for that file type. Therefore I believe it to be rational for the user to be able to customize what shows up in the menu outlined in the illustration below. I've been told earlier that the available options in this particular menu are currently hardcoded into Inventor, so that needs to change.

Skjermbilde 2023-08-22 090344.png


Thanks for your ideas and feedback @fridtjofZM5ME. Let me know if I'm misunderstanding anything, but it sounds like these are the ideas I should bring back to the team:

  • Ability to customize the documents (or at least the default templates they use) that display in the "New" documents dropdown/dialog
  • Add an Open/Get from vault context menu item for documents in the AppHome Recents list that were created in a Vault project 

So I can better understand your other idea, I have a question about adding "any form of direct access to these templates" you mentioned. Are you looking for additional functionality that the "Browse templates..." button seen in your screenshot doesn't provide, or would you simply like more direct access (i.e. moving that button out of the menu and somewhere around the project selector with one-click access?) Thanks in advance!




1. The template documents themselves are already customizable, it's which ones that are represented as a menu item in the dropdown menu I desire the ability to change. So, what I'm asking for relates to UI customization, not the template files.

2. Correct.


The last part is sort of covered by "1."


By "Direct access" I mean not having to click the "Browse templates..."-button to begin with, as I would be able to swap out the shortcuts in the drop-down for my own ones, hadn't those been hardcoded but rather a reference to some preference attribute/program setting that I can change however I desire.



I know that if I'm on a vault project, I can use the dropdown to switch from "Open Vault..." to "Open..." the problem  is that inventor only remembers this choice during the current session. As soon as you close Inventor it reverts back to "Open Vault..." the next time you open Inventor. I want to either have an option somewhere that I can select the default Open option that shows up there, or I want Inventor to "remember" my choice between sessions, not just during sessions until I close it. At my company we are implementing Vault and a new purchasing system that integrates with our Inventor files. We have a lot of legacy data that will not/cannot be added to Vault, and will be used for reference only, but quite extensively for the next couple years.


Hi @fridtjofZM5ME, thanks for clarifying, I understand you'd like to be able to customize exactly which documents display in the "New" dropdown menu.


Hey @gregory_nickol, I see, you'd like to be able to specify the default Open option for Vault projects and/or for the latest Open option selected to be remembered across sessions, thanks for explaining.


I will append these two ideas, as well as the idea for adding a "Get from Vault" context menu item to individual Recent files, to the list of feedback for the team. Thanks again for sharing and explaining the details to me!

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