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2023 Home Screen

2023 Home Screen

Restore the 2022 version Home Screen in 2023, or else allow the option to enable the previous or "Legacy" functionality.


Yes - I agree with @lee.hughesAA46F 

1) Separate Pinned from Unpinned tiles (as it used to be)

2) Purge (not delete) multiple unpinned tiles

3) Purge ALL unpinned tiles (as it used to be)

4) Rename "Open containing folder" to "Open other from containing folder". The word should match the action performed.


Hi @lee.hughesAA46F@SEC_CAD;


Thank you for your feedback. I embedded comments below to your questions, if you can comment back that will be great.


1) Separate Pinned from Unpinned tiles (as it used to be) - do you need this because the Pin column is at the right and out of your screen? Will it help mitigate if we simply move the Pin column to the left to make it more visible?


2) Purge (not delete) multiple unpinned tiles - do you mean use ctrl/shift to select multiple items and remove those from recent files or something else?


3) Purge ALL unpinned tiles (as it used to be) - how often do you need to use this?


4) Rename "Open containing folder" to "Open other from containing folder". The word should match the action performed. - unfortunately we will not be able to make it longer due to localization challenge, any ideas we can make it better while not making it longer, for both English and non-English?


Thank you,




It would be nice if the 2022 File Details panel was returned as an option. I came to rely on it. Being able to customize what appears on it would be an added bonus (user modifiable *.xml file?).


Also, return the cursor to a "Pointer" when hovering over a graphic. The "Hand" does not respect standard windoze behavior, and signifies that a single click will launch the file. Such is not the case...


Thank you...


Hi @FrodoZhou Thanks for the fast response.

1) No. My project file has a family of products. I pin the main assemblies (full products) to the home page. I find it annoying that the home page is cluttered with parts, sub-assemblies, drawings of components including any failed concepts that I may have been trying out.

It was much cleaner when the unpinned tiles started on a new line.

I try not to open parts from the home screen because I have so many that look the same and have the same name (but stored in different folders) because I am dealing with early concepts and nothing has a part number yet. Instead I always open the pinned assembly, highlight the part of interest and open it from within the assembly. That way I am assured of always working on the correct file.

2) Yes. But it seem that shift does not select all the tiles between the current selection and the new selection.

3) I need to clean up my Home page when ever I have a zoom meeting with non-CAD users (they are easily confused). So weekly.

4) I would always use Explorer, mainly because my parts are controlled by an Excel spreadsheet to ensure that mating parts always fit together (shared parameters). Once Explorer is open I can open the parts (which open in Inventor) or the spreadsheet (which opens in Excel) .


Maybe you could add tabs to the Home screen for "Pinned", "Recently Changed", "Assemblies", "Parts", "Drawings", "Presentations"


Hi @FrodoZhou 


The ability to separate pinned files above unpinned files was a cleaner interface and was much easier to distinguish multiple project Assemblies I was working on and in turn - right click and purge (thanks for correcting me on this @SEC_CAD :)) all unpinned files. I'd really grown fond of using the Home Screen to navigate my projects however, as it currently stands the screen is just cluttered with part files I have to 'Remove From List' individually and it's annoying and just something I cannot be bothered doing.


@SEC_CAD"Maybe you could add tabs to the Home screen for "Pinned", "Recently Changed", "Assemblies", "Parts", "Drawings", "Presentations" - This would be a nice addition.


Hi @b.mccarthy,


Are there specific file properties you need to access repeatedly from app home, besides the file type and location?

We introduced a new feature in Inventor 2024 September Alpha which allow you to customize your recent file columns, e.g. you will be able to show part number or Author or other iProperty on Home screen, feel free to check it out if that is what you need. You will need to sign up Inventor Beta program to access it if not yet.


I will bring your cursor suggestion to our designers.


Thank you,




Hi @lee.hughesAA46F@SEC_CAD;


Thank you for the clarifications.


Your desire to separate pinned and unpinned files, remove all unpinned files is loud and clear. I will work with our designers to see what we can do.


Meanwhile, this is where we are with your other questions/suggestions.

Select multiple files and then open/remove. This is working in progress. In the best scenario this will be available in Inventor 2023.2.


Filter by file type. Inventor 2023.1 introduces a new feature for recent files which allows you to filter based on Data Modified, File Type and Vault status. For example, you will be able to show only .iam or a combination of multiple file types.



Also as mentioned in the above reply, my team are working on a new feature which will allow you to customize the recent file columns, e.g. you will be able to add Part Number to the table and use that info to help you decide if it is a production design.


Regarding the recent files cluttering issue, one thing you might want to consider is to reduce/minimize your recent files limit in Application Options, you can specify the max number of files there by default it is 199. Once it reaches the limit Inventor will purge the previous unpinned files for you automatically, the pinned files will not be touched.


Thank you,




with reference to @sundars comment in this post: the items in the dropdown menu on the Inventor 2023 Home Screen is hardcoded to the default templates. I've found this to be a bit annoying, as it causes me to mistakenly choose the wrong templates every now and then, since I apparently choose the template based on the icon and/or the extension subconciously.


From an interaction design perspective I would consider it to be a design flaw not being able to define which templates show up in the dropdown as it adversly affects workflow should you choose the wrong template, and only figure that out a little further down the road. I strongly suggest that functionality for customization of said dropdown menu is implemented sooner rather than later. Actually, the default setting for the items in the dropdow menu should be ruled by the active project file, as that should be an airtight solution with the "default.ipj" being activated if everything else on the list is deleted.


Skjermbilde 2022-09-14 082954.jpg


I do use the Home Screen, mostly for quick access to the recent projects going back usually as far as 2 or 3 months. That is long enough for them to hit the market and become a production issue for the most part. In the previous versions I could keep on the screen what I wanted to see by simply not pinning the files I didn’t need. Then I could select "delete all unpinned files". I can apply a filter, but you have the limit set to 199 files. With assemblies, parts, and drawings all posting, 199 fills up fast with files you can’t see.

Maybe you could have a setting that says, “only store assembly thumbnails”. That would work and be less thumbnails to single click and delete. I am assuming once you reach 199, thumbnails are removed by some selective process, since I look for files and they have disappeared.

You could also set the limit higher, in case I want to go higher. My computer has plenty of memory.


Please re-add the functionality to clear un-pinned! 


Hi @bill.sapp , @shannon.lundrigan;


The clear un-pinned feature will be available in the upcoming Inventor 2023.2, and more usability features will come along with that.

Unfortunately the recent files list go through registry and has a limit there, also increasing the length can introduce performance issue for operations like sort and search. Hope the clear un-pinned feature will help mitigate your scenario.

Thank you for your feedback.




I didn't see high CPU usage mentioned in this thread--Inventor is constantly using one at least one whole thread as long as the home screen is open (not even active).  This causes Inventor to be a little sluggish (even on a 12-thread system), not to mention the unnecessary increased power use and thermal output.


I think it started with 2023.1 but maybe before.  2023.2 didn't change it.


First of all. It is a big mistake from Autodesk changing the 2022 Home Screen with that 2023 Home Screen thing. All of this above is good examples of that. If, for somehow reason i really do not understand please allow us to move columns to left side of the "Name" column in List View. Strange behavior as it  is by now. All other needs is listed above.





Originally posted in the Inventors Forum, but it was suggested to add it to this page by an AutoDesk Moderator/Employee.


Is there a way to bring back the Inventor 2022 My Home layout?  I prefer being able to segregate pinned files into a separate tile from other recently used files and always have them at a selectable fixed size, not the currently size based on quantity shown, a.k.a.: allow us to select and lock the thumbnail size.


Currently there is no easy to see the indicator that indicates which files are pinned and which ones are not.  They all show a tilted thumbtack when you pass the cursor over the thumbnail, the only way to tell if a thumbnail is pinned is to hover over it and wait for it to say pin or unpin.  Please make it easy to tell at a glance, i.e.: vertical tack for pinned, tilted tack for unpinned. On a second look I noticed it does go solid for pinned, until you pass the cursor over it, but its still hard to see a blue-gray pin on a blue gradient thumbnail background.  Please have the color change to something other than a similar color to what the background is (blue), especially for Red-Green color blind people.  Attached below is an image to show what I am talking about concerning the pin color.  Please move the file options back to the text card below to make it easier to see, as you will have too many background colors to deal with if it is just overlaid.  Even a cell shaded style pin (outlined in black) could get lost if the thumbnail image is that of a complex and detailed dimensioned drawing.  First four tiles below are pinned, the last two are not.


I also prefer having the garbage can icon on each thumbnail to remove a file from the display (not from drive).  It used to be one click to remove a thumbnail, now you have to right click and select remove from Recent. 

Thanks,Inventor 2023 Home.jpg

Rich C.

Inventor version 2023.2

Hi. I am totally 100% agree with you.
And the way Home Screen act as a "file" is not the way we like to work with the Home Screen.
Another thing is when closing the last Cad file and Inventor jump back to Home Screen the entire Home screen move to the left as the Model Browser collapse to a default size. If you the wait for Inventor to close the file and then click on the next file you will open it is a good guess that you will choose another file as the one you initially wait for to open. And in fact we working with large assemblies, you have to wait for the load of that assembly, then you have to wait for the close of the file. Then you can try, once more... Autodesk the way Home Screen is setup in Inventor 2023 is a time consuming tool to us. Not a time spending tool to use, keeping up the productivity...
Hopefully Autodesk, you will rethink the change of Home Screen to what is was , and revert it back to 2021 version.
Call me if you need more examples.

Steinar Sørem

YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!   The new 2023 home screen is USELESS!!!!    The old layout from 2021 and earlier was actually Functional!!!  

Agree from all of our 170 users

I think the New Home Screen works fine until you try and filter your recent files. The minute I start typing all me recent files disappear. The filter must be broken. Do you have a fix for that?


before my searchbefore my search

Before my search



they disappear....oh no!


Hi @sgwilliams,, that looks a bug. To help us confirm that, can you please try to search 3071 instead? If that does not return anything that is more likely a bug in our side. However, if that works well, my suspect is there any chance the - character in the file names were typed under a different language/locale than English?


Hi @steinar_sorem , @MCADAEPFW;, @RichardCizik7701;

Thank you for all your feedback. Unfortunately, the previous my home was based on an out-of-date tech stack whch makes it almost impossible to come back. The new App Home is being continuously invested across Autodesk hero products and is going to be better over time, please bear with us for the iterations.

@RichardCizik7701, for the pin behavior I'd suggest you create a new idea post for that specifically so that you can collect votes for it which will help the team to prioritize.

@steinar_sorem, the Home screen moves to the left is a known issue, the team spent quite some efforts to look for solutions unfortunately it reminas as a technical challenge. I don't think we heard the large assembly file open/close issue before, can you please work with @Anonymous to share more details?

Again, thanks for your feedback.

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