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No Imagery displayed

Message 1 of 14
814 Views, 13 Replies

No Imagery displayed

Good morning,


I´ve browsed through the forum seeking for an answer for my problem and I´ve tried every proposed solution (Set a new GLDATA, import a new Bing Map Imagery...) but it seems none of them works for me.

I´m using the model builder in IW 17.2.314.0.


The imagery of every model is set in configured, but when I try to refresh the model the following message appears

imagery refresh.JPGlog view imagery.JPG


We need the imagery in order to perform several projects, so any help will be much welcomed.



Message 2 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi @Anonymous first, make sure your internet isn't blocking any of the sites listed in this AKN article.


Also, check this forum posting for some additional possible solutions.

Matt Wunch
Revit Subject Matter Expert/sUAS Pilot

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Message 3 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

From looking at your log file, it seems that your EPSG code for GDAL WMS data connection isn't correct. Are you using the built-in Bing Maps database connection to load in the imagery?



Principal Specialist, Infrastructure
Message 4 of 14
in reply to: elliott.rosenfeld

hi @elliott.rosenfeld @Anonymous @Matt__W


I have the same problem about imagery displayed.



















Message 5 of 14
in reply to: Matt__W

I´ve talked to the IT Department and they said there´s no proxy neither any of the remarked websites are blocked.


I´ve tried every solution shown in that thread but it seems it doesn´t work. This problem starts to be annoying 😞


Thanks anyway @Matt__W

Message 6 of 14
in reply to: elliott.rosenfeld

good morning @elliott.rosenfeld , 


I´m not sure what do you mean by using built-in Bing Maps database, I always use the Model Builder to determine locations. Every time no Imagery is displayed, I try to add a new one by clicking on add data source, I select Bing Maps as shown in the pic below

bing data.JPG




Message 7 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

@Anonymous are you using 2017.2 as well? If not, please let me know what version you are using.

Seth Hall
Product Owner
Model Builder
Message 8 of 14
in reply to: SethHall

hi @SethHall


I had a problem with proxy server. Now all ok.


@Anonymous i had the same problem. I talked with IT service for the server list ( you must have all necessary permits unlocked for downloading ground images.






Message 9 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

@Anonymous Glad to hear it!


@Anonymous I just installed a fresh build of 2017.2, created a model and the imagery came through as expected. Does this happen on other machines that you log in to?

Seth Hall
Product Owner
Model Builder
Message 10 of 14
in reply to: SethHall

Thanks @SethHall I´m still not sure about what´s happening.


I´ve also tried from Civil3d 2015 to import bing maps, but then a message is displayed telling me that I have no permission to access to online topography

Message 11 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

Does it matter the location selected for your model?


Also, does this happen when you log in to another computer to see if this occurs?

Seth Hall
Product Owner
Model Builder
Message 12 of 14
in reply to: SethHall

Hi @SethHall it is important because I had to plan if it´s necessary to expropriate terrains outside an airport area to perform several ICAO rules.


I can not try InfraWroks in other computer, it is only installed here in the office 😞

I´ve updated to IW 3.0 but the problem remains.






Message 13 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

@Anonymous I am still looking into this... I'll try to get you some suggestions shortly.

Seth Hall
Product Owner
Model Builder
Message 14 of 14
in reply to: SethHall

Thank you very much @SethHall


I have made some progress with IW: I´ve been able to work with surfaces and georeferred images but not using the model generator but from Civil 3D Data.


Anyway I have to add manually the coordinates, I mean, I have to set manually the coordinate system (WGS84) and the UTM Zone, 

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