So I'm doing a lock, and of course F360 has decided to not work properly.
The curtain rotates. The joint is set and works fine.
Later in the timeline, the bolt slides. When I set this joint to slide, it too works. But the curtain can no longer be rotated.
If I step back in the timeline, it still won't rotate. If I step back again, it suddenly works. If I step forwards again, it works, up until the last joint!
This is really broken. The solution was to delete the two suppressed joints, and redo the sliding joint, and then the curtain still rotated as it should have.
The Forum users probably cannot help you since you did not attach your assembly model. Please attach it. If you do not know how to attach your Fusion 360 model follow these easy steps. Open the model in Fusion 360, select the File menu, then Export and save as a F3D or F3Z file to your hard drive. Then use the Attachments section of a forum post to attach it.
John Hackney, Retired
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No, that's not going to happen. Prior disclosure, and all that. You can watch the video, watch the timeline, and see the bug. It's pretty blatantly there. And I already described how to get around it - deleting rather than suppressing the rigid group.
You did not post a video so I cannot see a thing. I am not sure why you even posted your question if you will not give anyone the tools to help you solve it or confirm it is truly a bug in the application.
John Hackney, Retired
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