This has been an issue for several months, but i've recently got a few spare cycles to write it up... and this appears(?) to be the right place to post where it'll get noticed.
The title pretty much sums it up .
To reproduce:
0. Be running the latest f360. here's what `About` tells me:
Active Plan: Fusion 360, Student
macOS 10.15.5
1. create a new project. Try the string `test-project` and let OSX underline it in blue.
2. Stop typing, let the underline blue expand to the suggestion drop down
3. Hit <enter> to 'accept' the correction of `Test-project`
4. Fusion will crash.
This is 100% repeatable. The only way to _not_ trigger it is to click the little `X` that is next to the suggestion
If the steps above are not clear, I'm more than happy to do a screen recording.
OSX helpfully provides a stack trace. The trace corresponding to my most recent crash is below. The forum software has a 100.000 char limit, so here's the link: