@Anonymous for what particular purpose did you attach almost 16 Mb of data proken into 4 pices ?
If there is an upload limit of 4Mb then that si a rather obvious indication that you should not upload such large files.
To me the humanoid mesh discussed in this thread does not look like it's modeled. It would appear to come first from scanned data that with some sort of software than was automatically re-meshed. that why it has too many polygons and the topology is so terrible.
The level of detail in that model can be had with 1/4 of the polygons or even less ig the topology is better. Then it is also quite editable in Sculpt mode.
To get a humanoid mesh from MakeHuman into Fusion one only needs to load down MakeHuman as it is free software and then expport it as a .obj. that will allow you to observe in fact outstaning topology for a human mesh.