Fusion 360 FBX export bug?
Hi, I'm trying to export a model to TwinMotion but it seems like there is a bug.
TwinMotion provides three options for model hierarchy. 1. Keep hierarchy, 2. collapse by material, 3. collapse all. Collapse all does not collapse the bodies. Collapse by material requires you to assign materials in Fusion beforehand to split the bodies. So, Keep Hierarchy seems like the best option. It split the bodies as they are split in the original Fusion model.
The problem is, when this Keep Hierarchy option is selected, the model rotates by a weird angle.
This does not happen with the other two options. But the other two options do not split the model automatically.
Thinking this problem only happens with Keep Hierarchy option, I assume this is simply a bug.
Is there a possibility to fix this bug in the next update?
To reproduce the issue, please simply import the attached file with unit conversion scale 0.1, Y-axis upward, and Keep Hierarchy option selected.
Thank you!