Another post on this topic stated that Decals currently do not get included in FBX and may not due to the properties involved. However I am having trouble getting my models to export in a format that is suitable for Sketchfab, besides OBJ but this leaves me with each component being a separate model and no way to recombine them.
I know Sketchfab is a competing 3D model community/viewing solution to A360 but the reason I am trying to export it to here is my partner wishes to embed the 3D model of her product into her website and the A360 viewer is not as clean or simple to use as Sketchfab's. I am aware of the API for A360 and time permitting can probably get that to work for her but currently am looking for the easiest option possible i.e. no coding.
In regards to the obscurity of the export options in A360 (which by the way is another good product and I am in no ways bashing it) is that the path to getting a model to download in another format is actually quite convoluted and unintuitive. I have tried to summarise my point below, it is not fully fleshed out but I think it illustrates where I am coming from:
- Firstly you must open the file for viewing. Options to export cannot be brought up from the Data Tab or in the initial Project View areas (being able to select one or even a group of models using the checkboxes in the Data tab to then drive an action would be a real plus),
- then you must click the Toolbox Icon which is right next to the Actions Icon (maybe it’s just me but the Actions Icon looks more appropriate for what I am trying to achieve) – also note that there are 6x options in the Actions drop down when you are looking at the file in the Project Data Tab versus 9x options when you are looking at the file in the Viewer. This also seems disjointed to me as I should be able to complete the same set of tasks in each view/tab (particularly if I wish to make use of the ability to select multiple files)
- finally after clicking the option to create an export it doesn't prompt you with anything or notify you that it is completed, so I was oblivious that anything had even occurred. Only after I kept snooping around in the Project Folder did I stumble across the exported file format in the Data Tab.
Again I still find this system to be extremely useful but there does seem to be a lot of unintuitive options and disconnects at options that make me think a lot of this was patched together without the thought of integrating it in a more holistic manner.
Anyway I really appreciate the response and hopefully I can work out a solution that does not require too much effort.....funny though as I have been saying to myself for quite a while now that I wouldn’t mind learning the basics of coding for the web and this probably is as good a reason as any! Any further hints or developments on this will be appreciated.