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another easy one.  


using tab to select the next function....   one of 100 places this would be practical is "mirror"... say, in a sketch, you want to mirror a line..   click the line... hit TAB and select the line you want to use as the mirror plane.. hit enter...


currently you have to drag your mouse over to the line, click it, drag your mouse to the box, click the next step, drag your mouse back, this takes way too much time and puts un needed milage on the mouse.  i've tried everything... it doesn't seem to exist.    hitting enter, like you would in Rhino, basically either cancels it or says ok.. not sure which, but the box goes away and i have to start over. 



Not applicable

first mentioned here:



For example, when using 'split body' one has to

  1. somehow select command
  2. mouseclick target body
  3. mouseclick the button for selection of splitting tool in the dialog box
  4. mouseclick the splitting tool 
  5. somehow submit command


  1. somehow select command
  2. mouseclick target body
  3. press some key to cycle through dialog box options as desired so I don't have to move mouse
  4. mouseclick the splitting tool 
  5. somehow submit command

**something involving the tab key seems to be a logical place to start. 

Tags (8)
Community Manager
Status changed to: Gathering Support
Not applicable

Would definitely be an ease of use improvement for me!  You should never have to move the mouse to the feature dialog for standard workflows.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Gathering Support

Thank you for idea - this is getting archived due to lack of votes. Ideas with 10+ votes within a month are reviewed by the Product Management team for future consideration. If you feel strongly that this is needed, please resubmit with more detail on why you think this is valuable to Fusion 360 users so that the idea gathers some more support from the community. 


Glad you added this idea! It's something I used all the time in some other helps keep mouse travel down and lets you focus more on the design. 


I notice this most when I'm using the mirror tool in sketch mode.  Seems logical that once I've selected the objects I want to mirror I should be able to hit tab to shift to selecting the mirror line instead of having to move my pointer to the dialog box to shift selection.


Is there another way that I'm not aware of?

Tags (5)

I was thinking exactly the same thing today. I lose focus when I have to look away from my part to find the tiny [Mirror Line] button.

Tab is what I tried, and i was frustrated when it did nothing. 

Status changed to: オートデスク今後検討

thank you for your feedback.  we are looking into this and the impact throughout the entire Fusion ecosystem of how tabbing in dialog boxes and the UI in general behaves.  We've logged this as UP-28228







backlog reference: UP-28228


Hi Mitch,


We definitely agree with the need a faster method to toggle between selection inputs, but the Tab key is currently used to toggle between input values in the canvas, and may not be the best answer.  We'll discuss solutions and follow up.




Not applicable

   In functions where you select more than one item, it would be very convenient to be able to move on to the next selection by hitting tab key.

   For example in revolve tool, after I chose the profile(circle in the image below) it becomes obvious that I now will want to select the axis to revolve about. Nevertheless, I have to click on the "Select" button beside "Axis", and then select my axis. Wouldn't it be much better just pressing tab key to move on to axis selection?

   This could be implemented to many other similar functions where you have to select more than one item, or put more than one number before hitting enter key.


   Thank you.

스크린샷 2016-05-26 15.07.29.png

Tags (2)
Not applicable

yes, at least a tab click. and/or a preference to set a user defined key, mouse click or key-mouse click combo to do this.

Status changed to: Future Consideration

The UX team is working towards a solution that will solve the workflow request from this idea.  When work is started the idea will be changed from future consideration to accepted.




Mike Prom


Is it possible to re-open this idea? I see 215 views on this request - perhaps they came after the archiving?


Agreed!  Let's run it through again!

Thanks for the support! I learned on Rhino3d and I’m used to the app anticipating the next step.
“There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.”

― Henry David Thoreau
Not applicable

Without this the workflow feels chunky.


It's been under consideration for quite some time now. Dear Fusion Team - any plans of implementation anytime soon?

Not applicable

Please add this feature! "Tabbing" between input fields is super important for workflow and minimizing mouse movements. 




This is the fundamental issue with most of the interface.  There's numerous opportunities to make such improvements and it seems to me to be an area of top priority.   


So true that this is about the larger issue of mouse movement. With all of the tools and inputs at the edges of the screen, there is a lot of traveled distance for the mouse. In most cases, the mouse moves across the entire screen just to click some tiny little button or radio or checkbox, then must move back to select the object or component being addressed.


This idea would resolve the most common and obvious symptom. So well, in fact, that it might feel like the disease has been cured. In general, more keyboard shortcuts would be terrific. My keyboard has almost no utility while I'm using fusion. 105 keys and I only use about 15 of them. Contrast that with, say, Rhino, where I only use the mouse to pan, rotate and click locations on the model.


Option-Tab? Command-tab? Double-right-click? A simple 'n' for next? Or how about just adding these to the ring-list of tab items, so that after you have tab'd through your 2-3 values, you end up with selecting the next field, if you went to far you can always go back with shift-tab!

Or you could go the emacs route and just add everything behind control-[something]... hmm... probably not.

So many options. Just add it already! We all appreciate your desire to get it right, but not getting this feature at all is definitely not right either.

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