Revit Hints & Hacks: Customize Your Double-click Settings


Customization can sometimes be very easy. The Double-click Settings make it easy for you to pick how you want Revit to react when you double-click on various items. Start by selecting the Options from the File tab. In the Options dialog box select the User Interface option. Select the Double-click Options:. This will bring up the Customize Double-click Settings dialog box.



Starting with the Double-click for the Element Type: for a Family, there are three options.

  • Edit Family
  • Do Nothing
  • Edit Type



The Sketched Element option for Double-click action also has three options.

  • Do Nothing
  • Edit Family
  • Edit Type



For Inside Views / Schedules on Sheets there are only two options.

  • Do Nothing
  • Activate View



For Outside Views on Sheets it has two options.

  • Do Nothing
  • Deactivate View



The next is Assemblies with three options.

  • Do Nothing
  • Edit Type
  • Edit Element



When it comes to Groups, there are three options.

  • Do Nothing
  • Edit Type
  • Edit Element



The last Element Type: is the Stairs with two options.

  • Do Nothing
  • Edit Element


Hope this is double good for you!


Donnia Tabor-Hanson aka CADMama

Revit Family Counselor

Twitter @DonniaTH



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