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HEC-RAS .sdf file

HEC-RAS .sdf file

HEC-HAS can export a .sdf geospatial file but does not open in Map 3D Fdo, it would be great give the ability to Map 3D read this file to support in Map and GIS. On the other hand Autodesk would also give C3D ability to export a Map 3D Sdf from a river and flood analisies with all calculated features

Note that the file extension on HEC RAS files is actually ".RASexport.sdf" and it's contents are not intended to be a tradiional .SDF file format.  Open a notepad and drag/drop one of each into it, you will find the one from HEC RAS is very readable ASCII, the other what appears as a binary mess.


Thanks. One more reason for the interoperability i have mentioned for Autodesk work as happens with other Civil 3D objects (pipes, surface, road, points, and parcels) so as to help the Management of the model with GIS skills.
Thanks again

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