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Custom Subassemblies

Custom Subassemblies

Need an improved way to share custom subassemblies accross the team. Currently users have to create a new palette and import, which means they my not be using latest revision of a sub and this method is not ideal when using shared palettes. The imported tools folder can be copied to each users machine but again this is a manual process that could be streamlined.

Additionally when a sub is revised there is not a clean way to replace the previous revisions in your dwg. You have to click update tool properties from the palette and select each sub to be updated, the problem is that the existing subs will inherit the default property values and not keep any changes that had previously been made (including switching sides from left to right). This issue makes tweaking and improving subs more time consuming.

This is important when working with a team.

i am expecting a function similar with data shortcut for subassembly sharing among project team


Imagine it -- within C3d, type in SUBASSEMBLYCOMPOSER (or more likely, pick it on a ribbon somewhere).  Then something akin to the BlockEditor opens up.  Where I can edit an existing or create a new sub-assembly.


Store the assemblies within the dwg file just as though the user had placed them in the dwg by picking them from a pallette (although in the future, I don't want the use of a pallette to be required -- see below).  Also allow me to save the SA as a pkt file (similar to using the WBLOCK command to export a block to an external file).


Type in INSERTSUBASSEMBLY (or more likely, pick it on a ribbon somewhere).  And you're prompted to pick an SA (very similar to inserting a block).  The dialog would include a BROWSE button to allow me to grab a pkt file -- again similar to inserting a block that's been stored as an external file.


Now this is a good workflow for creating/using sub-assemblies.


You've shown that you can create & store custom objects in the dwg file -- like surfaces and featurelines.  Surely this could be done with a custom object instead of requiring "Code" that windows requires that we install separately.


or directly as a data shorcut, like a reference between SAC and Civil 3D.


I forgot to mention that the current workflow is so unusable that I've pretty much stopped using SAC.  Which is an absolute shame because of how powerfull a tool it is.


  1. Once I've created an assembly and others in my office have installed it on their PCs if I need to make a revision to it, maintaining the correct version is extremely difficult.
  2. The fact that I can't send my dwg file to someone outside the office without requiring that I send them (AND THEY INSTALL) my pkt file, is rediculous.



I saw your idea post after I had already made my own.


Does this describe the work-flow you're looking for?


Instead of a WBLOCK DWG option, I prefer something direcly managable in data shortcut. 


For a project team, its very important that the subassembly could be shared and version controlled. Using data shortcut allow integration of entire project with Vault. 


@acpico wrote:
Instead of a WBLOCK DWG option, I prefer something direcly managable in data shortcut. 

I worry that would be too similar to what we have now.  If I want to send a dwg file to someone and it uses a custom SA, I have to send them the pkt file and have them install it.


WIth this, I'd still have to send them the pkt file and then they would have to make sure there shortcuts were setup to point at the right location.


Depending on what they did to make that issue better, I could deal with it being data ref'd.


What if users were allowed to make use of assemblies from XREF'd drawings?  We could build and maintain a single drawing with all of the assemblies to be used on a project, and store that in a network location.  If someone wants to edit one of the assemblies, or send the drawing out of the office then they could bind the XREF.


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Currently when you run an assembly the SA source dll files have to be located in the AECC_CONTENTDIR folder. If you give your file to someone and they don't have those same dll files in their content dir they cannot rerun your assembly.


Storing the intelligence in the file would make the file portable, or allow you to retain functionallity as you move forward with new versions of C3D. If the dll is available use it, if not, use what is stored in the file.


Our exact circumstance and worry is that we may design a project and it won't go to construction for 5 or more years. If changes need to be made before construction, we need to make sure the original dll files are still available for pre-construction work. If the intelligence cannot be stored in the dwg itself it would be nice if we could atleast shelve the dll files along with the project and be able to point to those files.


Similar to this idea and this one?

Not applicable

IMO it would be best if you could path to subs in  a similar way to xrefs using a 'Subassembly Manager' (potential issue is the pkt file is essentially a zip of files that make up the sub which may be problematic).


I think that would be preferable to having them all nested in one DWG, as long as you didnt need to close and reopen Civil 3D to see any changes you make to the pkt file. You want to tweak in Sub Composer and then rebuild your corridor straight away.


Ideally the SAC should exist within C3D. But whether that happens or not, the really important thing is that a subassembly created in SAC can be put fully into the drawing so that anyone anywhere can open that drawing and everything still works (same as a stock subassembly).


Ideally the SAC should exist within C3D. But whether that happens or not, the really important thing is that a subassembly created in SAC can be put fully into the drawing so that anyone anywhere can open that drawing and everything still works (same as a stock subassembly).

@doni49 unfortuantely your subject header wasnt as good. 😛


The afterthought that is "Subassembly Composer" definately needs to be reenvisioned. Why should the subseemblies that come with the product be any different to the "Custom Subassemblies" we make. Love the idea of a "Block Editor" for custom subassemblies. It would make it very similar to Revit and creating families. By i belive the same block editor should be able to tweak the subassemblies that come with Civil 3D or relevant country kits.


Add in some better support to handle relative parameters isntead of absolute parameters as well and you might start looking like you have a product that more people will want to buy or continue to pay for.


You've shown that you can create & store custom objects in the dwg file -- like surfaces and featurelines.  Surely this could be done with a custom object instead of requiring "Code" that windows requires that we install separately.


I've been thinking about this some more and have an even clearer vision (from the programmer's POV) of how it could be done.


Right now, the corridor sees a subassembly and "runs code" at the windows system level that tells it what to do.  Instead of doing that, there needs to be a function (internal within Acad/C3D) called ReadSubassembly or something like that.  ReadSubassembly would read a given SA (whether custom or OOTB) and if it encounters a POINT, then it would run INTERNAL code to place a point.  If it encounters a LINK, it would run INTERNAL code to place a link.  The SA definition doesn't need to have actual VB code -- it just needs objects that tell the INTERNAL CODE what to do and the internal code is what actually does the work.   That would make the issue of windows requiring a separate installation a moot point as there's no external code involved.


The SUBASSEMBLYCOMPOSER command would just provide a graphical interface for the development of the SA object.

Not applicable

Check out my post on Section 3D software:

There is one subassembly to import once (a sort of Null placeholder) and all coding is store in the sample lines.

You draw your template in a custom interface, apply it to station ranges, and bypass the complex coding of the Subassembly Composer.

AND, you don't have to deal with the cumbersome View/Edit Corridor Section Tools.





Has there been any movement on this one or this other closely related idea?


Of all the ones I've posted, I would classify this one as *my* most important request.  As is, SAC is useless to me.



I am waiting the new release of Subassembly Studio with incredible features.
I was talking with Adam to transmit him my ideas.
Status changed to: Future Consideration

This is a great idea, but the timing isn’t quite right for development consideration in the near term. As such, it is being put on the back burner to be re-visited at a later date. Please continue to comment and add your support.




Peter Funk

Sr. Product Manager

Autodesk, Inc.

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