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Ability to have multileaders on C3D labels

Ability to have multileaders on C3D labels

Allow C3D dragged state labels to have multiple leaders, just like Mleaders.



Kudos excellent idea but I think I'd prefer having any Mleader, Mtxt or dim object be able to extract any C3D object property like a field.


Why work with two completely different labeling objects that have such different behaviors? Why not just one labeling system?


@jmayo-EE - yes, it doesn't matter how it's implemented - but let's take the best features of both!


I like Mleaders because of the ability to add/remove extra leaders & the ability to grip lengthen the leader leg.

I like the C3D "dragged state" leaders because of the ability to easily add intermediate vertex points to the leaders.


Good idea @jmayo-EE !


"let's take the best features of both!"


Yes please. I love the mleaders too. The vast majority of my callout are mleaders and it would be great to get a FLine alignment of surface name, elevation or station. The biggest advantage IMO with the anno objects is the independent scale visibility, location and rotation. The Civil 3D solution still requires me to maintain multiple sets of labels for different scales at times.


Good idea, RK!

Not applicable

I would also like to be able to Drag the Arrow if possible. So maybe it does act like a MLeader.

Not applicable

I like the versatility of C3D labels EXCEPT for the following: No multi-leader option as discussed above and no spellcheck, paragraphs or error highlighting. Remember when we did not have those features in MText and we rejoiced when they finally appeared? What I like about labels is their ability to be correctly oriented to a rotated view without having to fiddle with the multi-leader settings for each drawing (think of a P and P sheet following a curved alignment) and the ability to copy and change styles on the fly. Also,the label editing box needs to be revised so it can be enlarged for easier viewing and editing and maybe given a lighter background. Those skinny little characters are HARD TO READ. Older C3D users know what I am talking about.

I mostly like MText for notes and paper space items like keyed notes, if I'm stuck with having to use them. I hate revising keyed notes, but that's just my quirk.



I'm a little confused.  A Civil3d label is attached to a specific object, and displays data pulled from that object.  If the label has leaders connected to multiple objects then which one provides the data to be displayed?


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I can see lots of uses for multiple leaders. Particularly for callouts.


This one reason why I think we should get the C3D data into AutoCAD objects. Along with mleaders the data can be put into a dim if needed, multiple positions per scale, turn them on and off per scale. These last tow item are what removes the need for two sets of labels when multiple scales are plotted. AutoCAD anno objects address this age old autocad dilema. C3D labels do not without redundancy.


What if you want C3D data from two objects in one label? I would prefer to have one label for top and bottom of curb, wall, etc. not two labels or a need to draw a new line to get the two elevations into one label.


Dragged State leaders also need the ability (like multileaders already have) to have separate left attachment and right attachment points.  I currently can't make my dragged state labels look the same as my multileaders.

Not applicable

The independant scale visibility is a huge plus for MLEADERs and an unbelievable oversite in regards to C3D labels.  The moment we have to view a point at 2 diffenet scales we have to swap out the C3D labels for MLEADERs.

Not applicable

Hi dcutter,

With respect, you have it backwards. If your model ltscale is set to 1, as it should be, and your viewports have different scales, such as 1"=50', then C3D labels automatically adjust to the viewport scale. Also, multileaders can be set to match the viewport scale. If you use multileaders this way, annotatative style leaders should be off to avoild having "echoing" leaders at differing heights visible within the viewports.

I generally use paper space for multileaders to avoid confusion and for items such as miscellaneous notes, keyed notes and the like and let the C3D labels do what they were meant to do: identify C3D objects.

My problems with labels come with editing and user interface issues such as a larger dialogue editing box, spelling and grammar and search/replace functionality as I pointed out previously. I only would like additional arrows if I had an object that was large in size and a crowded drawing. For example, I might have a grading that I could point to in various places with a label that said something like "match existing elevations" at critical points along the edge-sort of a special case.



Not applicable

@Anonymous, Respectfully, there are several things in your workflow that I do not agree with.  The workflow you are describing is very outdated and is not how someone takes advantage of annotative properties.  I don't allow my users to put text objects in paper space, other than legends and general notes, because it nullifies the benefits of annotative properties. If the same leader is to appear on multiple sheets, it has to be copied which introduces the potential for human error should the text need to be changed.

The point of using annotative objects is that it allows a single point of data that can be viewed regardless of scale and annotative drag location. If you initiate the drag state of a C3D object label, its location is locked and cannot be adjusted like an annotative MLEADER. I regularly use MLEADERs to call out C3D object data dynamically by adding a simple object field and selecting the object. This also allows me to control the display of labels by scale as opposed to old school layer manipulation. All this said, it is a work around because C3D object labels do not function like annotative objects.


The echoing you are refereeing to can be turned off by selecting the “Show Annotative Objects – At current scale” toggle in the lower right of a sheet layout. This toggles the ANNOALLVISABLE system variable.

ANNOALLVISIBLE (System Variable)

Type:    Integer

Saved in:          Drawing

Initial value:     1

0 = Only annotative objects that support the current annotation scale are displayed

1 = All annotative objects are displayed

The ANNOALLVISIBLE setting is saved individually for model space and each layout.

Note: When ANNOALLVISIBLE is set to 1, annotative objects that support more than one scale will only display one scale representation.

Status changed to: Future Consideration
Status changed to: Accepted
Status changed to: Future Consideration

This is a great idea, but the timing isn’t quite right for development consideration in the near term. As such, it is being put on the back burner to be re-visited at a later date. Please continue to comment and add your support.




Peter Funk

Sr. Product Manager

Autodesk, Inc.

Great Idea. It would also be nice to be able to have a left and right placement. One top left and also bottom right or any other combination.
Great Idea

This is such a great idea that I thought I would say it again and maybe it will get of the back burner faster.


Community Manager

This idea was featured on the Autodesk Civil Engineering Community Site

Not applicable
Dumb thought here. Would there be away to extract with a field from the Civil 3D Object? That would save a lot of headache in a sense.

Note labels are not tied to any particular feature.

Pipe labels when you need two leaders in a tight area to point to the pipes on each side of a structure. Yes, I realize that the two pipes could be different sizes, but many times they are not.

Endless other scenarios.

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