>> I tried this solution, but It's impractical when comes to a large scale project.
Why is that impractical?
For large objects you just need to have better resolution for your photos.
>> Because I would have to create a material based in a Image and configure it depending on the size of the road sign
For me creating one box and a material with a specific image can be done much faster than creating outlines from fonts and run then different extrusions based on their colors, assign different colors and then run _UNION.
Not to forget that your sign are about 3000 polygons to display and to render (or even worse to calculate shadows), my box has just 6 polygons. Well, not a problem if you have just a few signs, but thinking about Infraworks where you might have hundreds of them?
>> My problem is that I have to create an 3D solid based in an image but it must be made
>> of Autocad elements not material texture or Image.
Is that a rule for transferring the data to Navisworks (which is tricky with material, Autodesk seems to not know enough about the DWG-format, e.g. that DWG-files can have materials with textures, they first have to learn this) or does that have any other reasons?
Sorry, for now I have not understood the way to go via geometry.
>> So I'm developing a code to extrude and create this 3D solid based on the boundaries generated by the image.
If you do development, even then I guess the creation of material could be done faster than analyzing an image an find contours/especially find letters.
But I know it's tricky with AutoCAD to develop applications in AutoCAD for texture mapping 😉
- alfred -
ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS
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CDay 2025------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(not an Autodesk consultant)