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AGS file format

Message 1 of 8
7018 Views, 7 Replies

AGS file format

Anyone knows Civil 3D can handle .AGS file format?
Message 2 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous


It would help answer your question if you gave some information about the
AGS file.

What software creates it?
What type of data does it contain?
Is it an ASCII or binary file?

If ASCII, can you post a sample of the data it contains?



Laurie Comerford
wrote in message
Anyone knows Civil 3D can handle .AGS file format?
Message 3 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

I have copied the sample as below. This is the Geotechnical data file to store the borehole data. Thks

"*PROJ_ID","*PROJ_NAME","*PROJ_LOC","*PROJ_CLNT","*PROJ_ENG","*PROJ_CONT","*PROJ_DATE","*PROJ_AGS","FILE_FSET" "","","","","","","dd/mm/yyyy","",""
"7845","Trumpington Sewerage","Trumpington","Trumpington District Council","Geo-Knowledge International","Lithosphere Investigations Ltd","23/07/1999","3","FS0001"

"*HOLE_ID","*HOLE_TYPE","*HOLE_NATE","*HOLE_NATN","*HOLE_GL","*HOLE_FDEP","*HOLE_STAR","*HOLE_LOG","FILE_FSET" "","","m","m","m","m","dd/mm/yyyy","",""

"TP501","0.00","0.25","Friable brown sandy CLAY with numerous rootlets (Topsoil)","101","TS","A",""
"TP501","0.25","1.55","Firm brown slightly sandy very closely fissured CLAY with some fine to coarse subrounded gravel. Medium spaced subhorizontal slightly polished gleyed shear surfaces. Widely spaced vertical rough desiccat","","","",""
"","","","ion cracks with concentrations of rootlets. (Weathered Boulder Clay)","261","WBC","B",""
"TP501","1.55","3.25","Stiff grey closely fissured CLAY with a little fine to medium subrounded gravel and rare sandstone cobbles (Boulder Clay)","250","BC","C",""
"BH502","0.00","0.30","Friable brown sandy CLAY with numerous rootlets (Topsoil)","101","TS","",""
"BH502","0.30","2.60","Firm brown very closely fissured CLAY with a little fine to medium subrounded gravel (Weathered Boulder Clay)","250","WBC","","" "BH502","2.60","5.75","Stiff grey slightly sandy closely fissured CLAY with some fine to coarse subrounded gravel (Boulder Clay)","261","BC","","" "BH502","5.75","15.45","Dense becoming very dense yellow brown very sandy fine to coarse subrounded GRAVEL (Glacial Gravels)","307","GG","",""

"*HOLE_ID","*SAMP_TOP","*SAMP_REF","*SAMP_TYPE","*SAMP_BASE","*SAMP_DATE","*SAMP_TIME""*GEOL_STAT","FILE_FSET" "","m","","","m","dd/mm/yyyy","hhmmss","",""
"TP501","1.00","1","D","1.00","","","B","" "TP501","1.00","2","B","1.30","","","B","" "TP501","2.50","3","B","2.75","","","C","" "BH502","1.00","1","U","1.45","","","","FS058" "BH502","1.50","2","D","1.50","","","","" "BH502","3.00","3","U","3.45","","","","" "BH502","3.50","4","D","3.50","","","","" "BH502","6.00","5","D","6.45","","","","" "BH502","6.00","6","B","6.50","","","","" "BH502","9.00","7","D","9.45","","","","" "BH502","9.00","8","B","9.50","","","","" "BH502","10.00","9","B","10.50","","","","" "BH502","12.00","10","B","12.50","","","","" "BH502","3.00","11","W","3.00","22/07/1999","120000","","" "BH502","3.00","12","W","3.00","22/07/1999","153000","",""

"**CLSS" "*HOLE_ID","*SAMP_TOP","*SAMP_REF","*SAMP_TYPE","*SPEC_REF","*SPEC_DPTH","*CLSS_NMC","*CLSS_LL","*CLSS_PL" "","m","","","","m","%","%","%"

"**CNMT" "*HOLE_ID","*SAMP_TOP","*SAMP_REF","*SAMP_TYPE","*SPEC_REF","*SPEC_DPTH","*CNMT_TYPE","*CNMT_TTYP","*CNMT_RESL","*CNMT_UNIT" "","m","","","","m","","","",""
"BH502","3.00","11","W","","","PHS","WATER","7.2","" "BH502","3.00","11","W","","","SULWS","WATER","0.037","g/l" "BH502","3.00","11","W","","","CL","WATER","51","mg/l" "BH502","3.00","12","W","","","SULWS","WATER","0.040","g/l"

"","m","","","","","" ~
"BH502","6.00","37","8,9/9,10,10,8 N=37","","","S"
"BH502","9.00","45","5,7/8,10,12,15 N=45","30","","S"
"BH502","12.00","","15,18/20,30 (50/120)","","125","C"

"BH502","3.20","3.45","3.20-3.45m Boulder of yellow brown sandstone, weak"
"BH502","5.00","5.00","5.00m Becoming very stiff"
"BH502","8.50","9.70","8.50-9.70m Fine sand"

"HEADING","ISPT","ISPT_EXTP","COMMON","Extrapolated N value","","151"

"HOLE_TYPE","CP","Cable percussion (shell and auger)"
"HOLE_TYPE","IP","Inspection pit"
"HOLE_TYPE","TP","Trial pit/trench"
"GEOL_LEG","250","CLAY with a little gravel"
"GEOL_LEG","261","Slightly sandy CLAY with some gravel"
"GEOL_LEG","307","Very sandy GRAVEL"
"GEOL_GEOL","WBC","Weathered Boulder Clay"
"GEOL_GEOL","BC","Boulder Clay"
"GEOL_GEOL","GG","Glacial Gravels"
"SAMP_TYPE","B","Bulk disturbed sample"
"SAMP_TYPE","D","Small disturbed sample"
"SAMP_TYPE","U","Undisturbed sample - open drive"
"SAMP_TYPE","W","Water sample"
"ISPT_TYPE","S","Split spoon"


"dd/mm/yyyy","day month year"
"hhmmss","hours minutes seconds"
"g/l","grams per litre"
"mg/l","milligrams per litre"

"FS001","siteplan.dwg","Trumpington Sewerage site plan","DWG","AutoCAD Version 14","24/08/1999"
"FS001","text.doc","Trumpington Sewerage geotechnical report text","DOC","Word97","24/08/1999"
"FS002","tp501p01.jpg","Trial Pit TP501 photograph - east face","JPG","PaintShop Pro Version 5.0","21/07/1999"
"FS002","tp501p02.jpg","Trial Pit TP501 photograph - west face","JPG","PaintShop Pro Version 5.0","21/07/1999"
"FS003","bh502p01.jpg","Borehole BH502 inspection pit photograph","JPG","PaintShop Pro Version 5.0","22/07/1999"
"FS058","labp39.jpg","Borehole BH502 photograph - split U100 sample 1.00-1.45m","JPG","PaintShop Pro Version 5.0","20/08/1999"
Message 4 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

treotan wrote:

> I have copied the sample as below. This is the Geotechnical data file
> to store the borehole data. Thks

I assume AGS stands for "Alberta Geological Survey". The data you
posted is certainly usable, but without appropriate software your not
likely to be able to use it in C3D.

It looks like borehole data for two holes. Is your goal to have points
for modeling or geologic columns?

Never start any job without the right tools!
AutoCAD Add-on Tools at
Message 5 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous



We now know that it is a custom ASCII file containing data about boreholes,
and Terry has guessed a source of the file.

Civil 3D will not be able to read data from this file with its inbuilt

You could write a program to create Civil 3D information from the data in
this file.

You would need to decide what information you want in Civil 3D then write a
program like:

1 Open File
2 While not at end of file, read lines from file till reach lines containing
information about a Civil 3D object you want to create. If at end of file
go to 6
3 Parse the line
4 Create the Civil 3D object
5 Go to 2
6 Close file



Laurie Comerford
wrote in message
I have copied the sample as below. This is the Geotechnical data file to
store the borehole data. Thks

"7845","Trumpington Sewerage","Trumpington","Trumpington District
Council","Geo-Knowledge International","Lithosphere Investigations


"TP501","0.00","0.25","Friable brown sandy CLAY with numerous rootlets
"TP501","0.25","1.55","Firm brown slightly sandy very closely fissured CLAY
with some fine to coarse subrounded gravel. Medium spaced subhorizontal
slightly polished gleyed shear surfaces. Widely spaced vertical rough
"","","","ion cracks with concentrations of rootlets. (Weathered
Boulder Clay)","261","WBC","B",""
"TP501","1.55","3.25","Stiff grey closely fissured CLAY with a little fine
to medium subrounded gravel and rare sandstone cobbles (Boulder
"BH502","0.00","0.30","Friable brown sandy CLAY with numerous rootlets
"BH502","0.30","2.60","Firm brown very closely fissured CLAY with a little
fine to medium subrounded gravel (Weathered Boulder Clay)","250","WBC","",""
"BH502","2.60","5.75","Stiff grey slightly sandy closely fissured CLAY with
some fine to coarse subrounded gravel (Boulder Clay)","261","BC","",""
"BH502","5.75","15.45","Dense becoming very dense yellow brown very sandy
fine to coarse subrounded GRAVEL (Glacial Gravels)","307","GG","",""




"","m","","","","","" ~
"BH502","6.00","37","8,9/9,10,10,8 N=37","","","S"
"BH502","9.00","45","5,7/8,10,12,15 N=45","30","","S"
"BH502","12.00","","15,18/20,30 (50/120)","","125","C"

"BH502","3.20","3.45","3.20-3.45m Boulder of yellow brown sandstone, weak"
"BH502","5.00","5.00","5.00m Becoming very stiff"
"BH502","8.50","9.70","8.50-9.70m Fine sand"

"HEADING","ISPT","ISPT_CORN","COMMON","Corrected N value in sand","","20"
"HEADING","ISPT","ISPT_EXTP","COMMON","Extrapolated N value","","151"

"HOLE_TYPE","CP","Cable percussion (shell and auger)"
"HOLE_TYPE","IP","Inspection pit"
"HOLE_TYPE","TP","Trial pit/trench"
"GEOL_LEG","250","CLAY with a little gravel"
"GEOL_LEG","261","Slightly sandy CLAY with some gravel"
"GEOL_LEG","307","Very sandy GRAVEL"
"GEOL_GEOL","WBC","Weathered Boulder Clay"
"GEOL_GEOL","BC","Boulder Clay"
"GEOL_GEOL","GG","Glacial Gravels"
"SAMP_TYPE","B","Bulk disturbed sample"
"SAMP_TYPE","D","Small disturbed sample"
"SAMP_TYPE","U","Undisturbed sample - open drive"
"SAMP_TYPE","W","Water sample"
"ISPT_TYPE","S","Split spoon"


"dd/mm/yyyy","day month year"
"hhmmss","hours minutes seconds"
"g/l","grams per litre"
"mg/l","milligrams per litre"

"FS001","siteplan.dwg","Trumpington Sewerage site plan","DWG","AutoCAD
Version 14","24/08/1999"
"FS001","text.doc","Trumpington Sewerage geotechnical report
"FS002","tp501p01.jpg","Trial Pit TP501 photograph - east
face","JPG","PaintShop Pro Version 5.0","21/07/1999"
"FS002","tp501p02.jpg","Trial Pit TP501 photograph - west
face","JPG","PaintShop Pro Version 5.0","21/07/1999"
"FS003","bh502p01.jpg","Borehole BH502 inspection pit
photograph","JPG","PaintShop Pro Version 5.0","22/07/1999"
"FS058","labp39.jpg","Borehole BH502 photograph - split U100 sample
1.00-1.45m","JPG","PaintShop Pro Version 5.0","20/08/1999"
Message 6 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

Thanks Laurie,
Any example program or sort of syntax?

Message 7 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous


Are there stars in the sky?
There are millions of programs designed to open and read files, then create
relevant output as I described, written in virtually every known programming

It's time you started doing some work to help others help you.

Bearing mind that you are the only person who knows what you want, why don't
you read the file and provide the Newsgroup with information like:

In the line:

the value TP501 is the Point Name
the value TP is the point description
the value 523196 is the east coordinate.
the value 178231 is the North coordinate
the value 61.86 is the surface elevation

please create a Civil 3D point at those coordinates with name "TP501" and
Raw description "TP 21/07/1999 ANO FS002"


If you can do that and you are lucky, someone here may give you some code,
but probably you will need to commission a programmer to do it for you


Laurie Comerford

wrote in message
Thanks Laurie,
Any example program or sort of syntax?

Message 8 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

You can import the AGS file with the Autodesk Geotechnical Module. It will also import .CSV files with very specific formatting.

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