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Show Currently used Revit Version in Projects (2023 or 2024 etc) in BIM360 Admin Account Page

Show Currently used Revit Version in Projects (2023 or 2024 etc) in BIM360 Admin Account Page

In order to see which projects are in which version, and ensure office-wide upgrades, we should be able to see what Revit year our projects are in on the home screen.

Not only should we see this information on the home screen, but be able to filter by it, select all projects with it, export project lists, email all people with projects of a certain category... Give it some real coordination power.


Currently, in order to see what a project is using, you have to be in that Revit version, invited to the project, and even then, not all of the projects want to populate on the screen. Another way of trying to find out, is going one by one into a project to see it's upgrade status? No thank you x500 projects!


Also nice buttons to have:

Add/remove an admin for all projects button. Why not?

Add/remove button for a member, with all potential projects listed.. 

Add team to projects button.


3rd party widget capacity added to the Home page so we can customize solutions like the project dashboards? 




Thanks @allan.stableford and @cprettyman !


As BIM-Coordinator, we ABSOLUTELY need such a function !


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