The Merge Layer command is a unique one to know, although it probably will not be a command you use daily. Merge Layer allows you to merge one layer with another, deleting the selected layer from the drawing. This is a beneficial command when cleaning up old drawing files or combining a subconsultant drawing with your standards.
There are multiple ways to enter this command, with the ability to execute the command in a graphic format or by selecting layer names. The first method is through the model space, the Merge Layer command can be found within the Home ► Layers section of the ribbon, or by typing LAYMRG into the command line. Refer to the image below.
Merge Layer - Ribbon Location
Entering the command in this format allows you to select an object(s) whose layer you want to delete from the drawing, press Enter, then graphically select an object on the target layer to merge to. The command line history should be similar to the image below once the command has been executed completely.
Merge Layer Button - Command Line
Another way to run the merge layer command is to select the Name through the command prompt versus selecting it graphically. After selecting Merge Layer from the ribbon or typing laymrg into the command line, you can click on Name to select the layer(s) to merge. A dialog box displays for you to make a selection. One layer can be selected, or multiple by holding down the ctrl key while making your selection.
Layer Merge - Name Select
After you have selected all the layers to merge, press Enter to select the destination layer. The destination layer can also be chosen graphically or by Name, just as in the previous step.
The third method to execute the Merge Layer command is through the Layer Properties Manager. To begin, select the layer to be removed from the drawing and right-click. The menu will appear as shown in the image below. Select "Merge selected layer(s) to... " to begin the layer merge command.
Layer Manager - Right-click Menu
Once you have selected the option to merge the layer(s), the following dialog will appear, prompting you to choose the destination layer. Note that you can select multiple layers in the Layer Properties Manager to be merged into the destination layer.
Merge Layer Dialog
In the example, V-WATR-LINE will be merged into the V-WATR-PIPE layer. V-WATR-LINE will be removed from the drawing and all objects on that layer will now be on the V-WATR-PIPE layer.
Selecting the destination layer will prompt you to confirm your choice. The verification will appear similar to the example below.
Merge Layer Verification
This command is an excellent resource for drawing maintenance and clean-up.
For more helpful hints, check out some more Little Bits AutoCAD Tips below:
Little Bits: LAYCUR Command
Little Bits: LAYMCUR Command
Little Bits: Match Layer
Little Bits: Match Properties