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Update report without having to find .set file and regenerate

Update report without having to find .set file and regenerate

Currently if you change any part of your drawings, small or large and a update is required in a BOM or any other report that is placed on a drawing, you have to:

  1. Find the exact .set file that was used (Thats if there is one)
  2. Re enter in any manual edits that was made (regenerating deletes all previous edits)
  3. Re adjust any formating that was performed (regenerating deletes all previous formating) 

Then if you made a mistake you have to go throught the whole process again, which can be quite frustrating and time consuming, especially if you only made a small change.


I suggest that an option be made so that you could right click the report and choose 'Update Report', which will keep all manual edits, formating and update/add the fields that have changed. I would expect that generating reports would only be used to create the initial report or if formating/table layout changes were required. 




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