It is pretty common practice to show "wired by customer" wires on a non-continous (hidden/dashed usually) linetype in industrial schematics.
These non-continous linetypes cause issues with inserting components.
If the insertion point of the a wire number, or component, falls on the penup portion of the non-continous line... things will go badly.
3 phase components are very problematic as the child insertions can fail horribly and not be inserted on the phase they should have been but will often skip wires and then be inserted in empty space or other unpredictable behaviour.
Multiple cable component insertions will often fail to insert correctly on non-continous linetypes as well.
Wire numbers will often disassociate from their wires if their insertion points fall on penup portions of non-continous lines.
I would expect component insertion, move, scoot, align, and wire numbers should all work on non-continous linetypes exactly like they do on continous linetpyes.