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Dynamic Splines in 3ds Max

Dynamic Splines in 3ds Max

Dynamic behavior of meshes is a fantastic function in 3ds Max. For example, if I build up a mesh model, and in the end I apply a chamfer modifier on it, I can modify the base model, and the chamfered model changes with it. 

However, if I try to do the same with a spline, the chamfering breaks the dynamic behavior of the spline, and if I modify the original spline, the chamfered spline does not change, its vertices have baked coordinates.


It would be very nice, if the splines in 3ds max would be as dynamic as the mesh objects.


Even better would be, if meshes and splines could have dynamic connections. For example, detaching Mesh Edges to become Splines wouldn't be a single operation, but the detached spline could be a reference of the mesh. So modifying the mesh would affect the spline itself.



Best regards,


Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration
I was post this with a video... and even reported as a BUG. hope that it fix. soon

The fillet/chamfer modifier currently adds very little value. It would be very valuable if it were 'live' in the stack.


Ideally, the fillet/chamfer modifier could be applied above a spline object in the stack and would allow modifications to the spline object below it while maintaining the fillet/chamfer values above. This would allow, for example, the ability to apply a fillet with the modifier, and then to adjust the angle of the splines forming the corner below freely, without having to delete the modifier and add another fillet/chamfer modifier in its place.

Status changed to: Future Consideration

Allow the spinner fields to read/ store the fillet radius of selected edges or a single vertex ror ease of editing the radius. It would also be nice to enable some sort of selection of geometry to apply a fillet to within the modifier and to highlight to what the  modifier is applied to.

I've included this idea on my compilation of Spline procedural handling ideas. Pls support this and other great suggestions:

[Splines] Improved procedural handling through both updated and new modifiers

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