Good morning/afternoon everyone,
I'm opening this thread today as I'm in quite a bind, here at work we have a monolith of an autolisp program that extends autocad in order to give us specific functionalities, one of them is a function that triggers every time a document is saved, its behavior is to update a special block that hold the last save time and date.
In parallel to this, I have been tasked to develop a program that will insert the last save time and date as a barcode when a save is triggered. Normally it would be easy, simply modify the custom save command to insert a barcode, however I'm not allowed to modify the other program. Everything else is pretty much done, I only need to get over this hurdle before I deploy the thing.
I am aware of
(vlr-dwg-reactor nil) with :vlr-beginsave
However, it makes the LISP engine crash. I supposed this is because the original custom save command is triggered at the same time, causing unexpected results?
Is there a way to react to the custom command specifically?
Or would creating a new custom command that will insert the barcode and then trigger the original one be possible?
Where do that crash comes from?
I use Xrecord to keep the barcode positions and Object Handle for updates, and to detect its presence. When the main function is triggered and no barcode is found, the program waits for the user to select an insert point... Could it be what cause the crash when used with a reactor function?
That's a lot of questions but it's been puzzling me for a bit.
Sorry for the approximative english, it is not my first language.