If you're doing it in plan view and your section view is just the tilted-over illustration of the result that would be up at the elevations in the plan, you can do that with Coordinate Filters as already suggested. [Red is you, green is AutoCAD prompts]:
of {pick the red P1}
(need Z): 235
of {pick the red P2 or the yellow P1 [same XY]}
(need Z): 235
of {pick again the yellow P1 or the red P2 [same XY]}
(need Z): 225
of {pick the yellow P2 or the green P1 [same XY]}
(need Z): 225
of {pick again the green P1 or the yellow P2 [same XY]}
(need Z): 235
of {pick the green P2}
(need Z): 235
If you're drawing it into the Z direction like that when in XY plan view, you can't use PLINE [which can only be flat in the current drawing plane] but must use LINE [which can draw into the third dimension], or, if you think it better, 3DPOLY.
If you actually want to draw it in already-tilted-over section view, so the levels are Y-direction differences rather than Z-direction, then seriously, learn about Object Snap Tracking [Message 2].
Kent Cooper, AIA