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How to create automatic layouts

114 REPLIES 114
Message 1 of 115
33082 Views, 114 Replies

How to create automatic layouts

Hi Everyone,


Please help me to create automatic layouts for the attached drawing


Also request you to please provide me the LISP/FAS file.


The attache dwg is simple drawing. But i have 200 grids in some cases.


Please help on this.


Thank you in advance. 

114 REPLIES 114
Message 41 of 115
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi maratovich, internet problems i guess.


well, i said it doesn't work well with rotated rectangles. in paper space i see the rotated ones twisted.


any suggestion?


Message 42 of 115
in reply to: Anonymous

This is a universal solution.

AutoViewport - Automatic creation layouts and viewport 
Main functions: 
- automatic creation layouts; 
- creation of rectangular viewports on layouts; 
- creation of rotated viewports on layouts; 
- selection of required layout name; 
- select print settings for layout.



Деморолик Screencast появится здесь после нажатия кнопки "Опубликовать".



Software development
Automatic creation layouts and viewport. Batch printing drawings from model.
Message 43 of 115
in reply to: Anonymous

Screencast bad work

Software development
Automatic creation layouts and viewport. Batch printing drawings from model.
Message 44 of 115
in reply to: lando7189


I'm struggling to make this lisps work for me too, but as I don't kno how to program in lisps I can't figure out what's the matter. What is the command for this lisp?  or should it do the job automatically as soon as I load it from 'Load Application' in Autocad? 

thank you very much ,


Message 45 of 115
in reply to: lando7189



I am looking to use a very similar program to create automated layouts with viewports.  Would you be able to take a look at my test dwg file and make a few adjustments for this to work with the title block I have created?  any help is greatly appreciated!





Message 46 of 115
in reply to: lando7189

hello sir can you please make video on how to apply this code. i really appreciate one. thank you in advance.

Message 47 of 115
in reply to: lando7189

Can someone modify this for just only one viewport? Just for the main viewport

(defun GridsToLayouts ( UseUndoMarks / GridLayer GridAttribute SourceLayout TitleBlockHeight KeyZoomFactor
                                       TitleBlockName TitleBlockSheetNumberAttribute TitleBlockTotalSheetsAttribute
                                       ss i enam edata grids grid id previd ssvp1 vp1 vpno1 ssvp2 vp2 vbno2 ptmin ptmax)

  (setq GridLayer                        "GRID")
  (setq GridAttribute                    "MAPSHTNUM")
  (setq SourceLayout                     "001")
  (setq TitleBlockHeight                 86)
  (setq KeyZoomFactor                    0.5)
  ;(setq TitleBlockName                   "XXX_2")
  ;(setq TitleBlockSheetNumberAttribute   "SHEET_NO")
  ;(setq TitleBlockTotalSheetsAttribute   "NO_OF_SHEETS")

  (defun vl-GetAttributeValue ( blk tag )
    (setq tag (strcase tag))
    (vl-some '(lambda ( att ) (if (= tag (strcase (vla-get-tagstring att))) (vla-get-textstring att)))
        (vlax-invoke blk 'getattributes)
   ((not (setq ss (ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 8 GridLayer)))))
    (princ (strcat "\nNo grid blocks on layer '" GridLayer "' found."))
   ((not (member SourceLayout (layoutlist)))
    (princ (strcat "\nSource layout '" SourceLayout "' not found."))
   ((> (length (layoutlist)) 1)
    (princ (strcat "\nOnly layouts 'Model' and '" SourceLayout "' should exist."))
    (setq i 0)
    (while (< i (sslength ss))
	  (setq edata (entget (setq enam (ssname ss i))))
      (if (and
            (= (cdr (assoc 0 edata)) "INSERT")
            (setq attval (vl-GetAttributeValue (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdr (assoc -1 edata))) GridAttribute))
        (setq grids (cons (cons attval enam) grids))
      (setq i (1+ i))
    (setq grids (vl-sort grids (function (lambda (e1 e2) (< (car e1) (car e2))))))

    (if UseUndoMarks (vla-StartUndoMark (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
    (if grids
      (princ "\nCreating layouts...")
      (princ "\nNo grids found...")
    (foreach grid grids
      (if grids
          (setq id (car grid) enam (cdr grid))
          (princ (strcat "\nCreating layout '" id "'... "))
          (if (not (member id (layoutlist)))
            (command "._layout" "c" previd id)
          (command "._layout" "s" id "._pspace")
          (if (and
                (setq ssvp1 (ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "VIEWPORT") (cons -4 "*,>,*") (list 10 0 TitleBlockHeight 0))))
                (setq ssvp2 (ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "VIEWPORT") (cons -4 "*,<,*") (list 10 0 TitleBlockHeight 0))))
              (vla-getboundingbox (vlax-ename->vla-object enam) 'ptmin 'ptmax)
              (setq vpno1 (cdr (assoc 69 (entget (setq vp1 (ssname ssvp1 0))))))
              (setq vpno2 (cdr (assoc 69 (entget (setq vp2 (ssname ssvp2 0))))))
              (command "._mspace")
              (setvar "CVPORT" vpno1)
              (vla-zoomwindow (vlax-get-acad-object) ptmin ptmax)
              (setvar "CVPORT" vpno2)
              (vla-zoomwindow (vlax-get-acad-object) ptmin ptmax)
              (vla-zoomscaled (vlax-get-acad-object) KeyZoomFactor acZoomScaledRelative)
              (command "._pspace")
              (vla-zoomextents (vlax-get-acad-object))
            (princ (strcat "\nUnable to find the two vieports needed for layout " id))
          (setq previd id)
          (if (= (length (layoutlist)) 255)
              (princ "\nMaximum number of layouts met.")
              (setq grids nil)
          (vla-eval (vlax-get-acad-object) "DoEvents")
    (princ "\... GridsToLayouts finished.")
    (if UseUndoMarks (vla-EndUndoMark (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))

(defun C:GridsToLayouts nil (GridsToLayouts T) (princ))
Message 48 of 115
in reply to: lando7189

Hello Similar Requirement for my work.


pl help me preparing Automatic Multiple Layout Creation.


Here with attache test file for your reference.


Thanks in advance.


Tags (2)
Message 49 of 115
in reply to: vipuldhruv9215

@vipuldhruv9215 wrote:

Hello Similar Requirement for my work.


pl help me preparing Automatic Multiple Layout Creation. 



Software development
Automatic creation layouts and viewport. Batch printing drawings from model.
Message 50 of 115
in reply to: maratovich

Thanks But Pl prepared Auto lips file for this?



Tags (1)
Message 51 of 115

Not Properly work pl prepare any autolip program for this

Tags (1)
Message 52 of 115
in reply to: maratovich

You check Js_aro10 Routine inside lisp.



	 ssvp2 nil) (if (js_aro10 "C049member" (list  id (js_aro10 "C048layoutlist" (list )))) (setq nop (js_aro10 "C050dfn_cmd_canceld" (list ))
 nop (command "._layout" "s" id "._pspace") ssvp1 (js_aro10 "C053ssget" (list  "x" (list (js_aro10 "C051cons" (list  0 "VIEWPORT")) (js_aro10 "C052cons" (list  (- 4) "*,>,*")) (list 10 0 TitleBlockHeight 0)))))) (setq ssvp2 (if (/= ssvp1 nil) (js_aro10 "C056ssget" (list  "x" (list (js_aro10 "C054cons" (list  0 "VIEWPORT")) (js_aro10 "C055cons" (list  (- 4) "*,<,*")) (list 10 0 TitleBlockHeight 0)))) nil)) (if (and  ssvp2 ssvp1) (setq nop (js_aro10 "C058vla-getboundingbox" (list  (js_aro10 "C057vlax-ename->vla-object" (list  enam)) 'ptmin 'ptmax)) vp1 (js_aro10 "C059ssname" (list  ssvp1 0))vp2 (js_aro10 "C060ssname" (list  ssvp2 0)))) (if (and  vp1 vp2) (setq vpno1 (cdr (js_aro10 "C062assoc" (list  69 (js_aro10 "C061entget" (list  vp1))))) vpno2 (cdr (js_aro10 "C064assoc" (list  69 (js_aro10 "C063entget" (list  vp2))))))) (if (and  vpno1 vpno2 ptmin ptmax) (progn (js_aro10 "C065dfn_cmd_canceld" (list )) (command "._mspace") (js_aro10 "C066setvar" (list  "CVPORT" vpno1)) (js_aro10 "C068vla-zoomwindow" (list  (js_aro10 "C067vlax-get-acad-object" (list )) ptmin ptmax)) (js_aro10 "C069setvar" (list  "CVPORT" vpno2)) js_aro10 "C071vla-zoomwindow" (list  (js_aro10 "C070vlax-get-acad-object" (list )) ptmin ptmax)) (js_aro10 "C073vla-zoomscaled" (list  (js_aro10 "C072vlax-get-acad-object" (list )) KeyZoomFactor acZoomScaledRelative)) (js_aro10 "C074dfn_cmd_canceld" (list )) (command "._pspace") (js_aro10 "C076vla-zoomextents" (list  (js_aro10 "C075vlax-get-acad-object" (list ))))) (js_aro10 "C077str_princ" (list (list "\nerror**Unable to find the two vieports needed for layout " id)))) (setq previd id) (if (>= (js_aro10 "C079length" (list  (js_aro10 "C078layoutlist" (list )))) 254) (setq grids (js_aro10 "C080alert" (list  "\nerror**eMaxLayouts_i408, Maximum number of layouts met.")) grids nil))) (js_aro10 "C082vla-eval" (list  (js_aro10 "C081vlax-get-acad-object" (list )) "DoEvents"))))) (js_aro10 "C083alert" (list  "\... GridsToLayouts finished.")) (if (and UseUndoMarks (>  layoutMngr 0)) (js_aro10 "C086vla-endundomark" (list  (js_aro10 "C085vla-get-activedocument" (list  (js_aro10 "C084vlax-get-acad-object" (list ))))))) 


Q:What is js_aro10? 

A: Js_aro10 save mypid-address for all functions. When your "pp_sudhakar99919_jsaro10.vlx" crash, or bug-error, you type (princ setmypid) [enter] at line-command. You search (eg: "C083" )inside the file pp_sudhakar99919_jsaro10.lsp and you, will found fast-speed the Error-Location.

Q: How to Testing ?

A:You open attrib.dwg and appload.

Message 53 of 115
in reply to: diagodose2009

Have you watched the video? There is no Lisp. Lisp is uncomfortable for me.

Software development
Automatic creation layouts and viewport. Batch printing drawings from model.
Message 54 of 115
in reply to: maratovich

You execute "pp_sudhakar99919_jsaro10.lsp" . You see winlogon.gif.

, work fine, you test "pp_sudhakar99919_default.lsp" with attrib.dwg

Message 55 of 115
in reply to: diagodose2009


Software development
Automatic creation layouts and viewport. Batch printing drawings from model.
Message 56 of 115
in reply to: diagodose2009



Software development
Automatic creation layouts and viewport. Batch printing drawings from model.
Message 57 of 115

Not work pl check 

Message 58 of 115
in reply to: vipuldhruv9215

@vipuldhruv9215 , please upload your sample dwg. To test it. 

Message 59 of 115
in reply to: devitg

pl attached test file

Tags (1)
Message 60 of 115
in reply to: lando7189

Looks fantastic, I have tried this with a metric system template in Civil3d and it does not work, very much appreciated if you can have a look at my sample attached, maybe something I am missing or a units thing?



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