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Converting multileader to block lisp

Message 1 of 11
568 Views, 10 Replies

Converting multileader to block lisp

Hi. I have a lot of multileader in this DWG attached (Drawing1.dwg). I need to convert all of  them to a certain block I have. I need that the insertion point of  the block will be in the same position of the multileader and to copy a part from the text of the leader to the attribute (I need the diameter information in the text and the IL information) . I have attached an example in another DWG attached (Drawing2.dwg). I did it manually of course. Is there a way to make this conversion with a lisp routine?

Thank you all in advance

Labels (2)
Message 2 of 11
in reply to:

Looks like a large effort (for a freebe), consider a couple of Lisps to get you there.

(1) foreach 'leader', extract insertion point, and text portions you want. Open a .csv file,

write the data there (name it drawingname.csv), and save in current folder.


Open a 'new' drawing or template. 

(2) read-in the .csv file, insert your block at the insertion point, and use other columns of info

to fill-in the appropriate Attributes.


Sounds simple ?

- But, what 'angle' should the block be inserted ? If the same, then many will be atop one-another.




Message 3 of 11
in reply to: ec-cad

Thank you sir.

Step (1) will do most of the job. If I could have a CSV  with X, Y, Diameter and IL details I would be very happy. From there I can manage.

Unfortuanlly even that I do not know how to do. Regarding the angle, I don't mind getting all of them in the same angle and do some manually edinting.


Message 4 of 11
in reply to:

I did a similar task awhile ago for pulling out 'Manhole' data to a .csv.

I posted it here.

Are you OK with editing that Lisp, or do you need assist in function 'decode_MText  ?

If so, I can try messing with it for your drawing1.dwg sample.



Message 5 of 11
in reply to: ec-cad

Hi sir, thanks again. If you can help me adjusting your lisp to match my data I would be grateful.

Message 6 of 11
in reply to:

I'm on it, may not be today though.



Message 7 of 11
in reply to:  shalom,


check this LE2BL  (leader to block)  command.

thanks to great mr Lee Mac who provide the world these magnificent functions [ (LM:UnFormat) & (LM:str->lst)  ]

without them this command would never been made 😀

i also attached drawing14.dwg (your drawing1.dwg) where i fix the units for the drawing and the block, you should fix yours, otherwise this will not work smoothly.






;;-------------------=={ UnFormat String }==------------------;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Returns a string with all MText formatting codes removed. ;;
;;  Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2011 -       ;;
;;  Arguments:                                                ;;
;;  str - String to Process                                   ;;
;;  mtx - MText Flag (T if string is for use in MText)        ;;
;;  Returns:  String with formatting codes removed            ;;

(defun LM:UnFormat ( str mtx / _replace rx )

    (defun _replace ( new old str )
        (vlax-put-property rx 'pattern old)
        (vlax-invoke rx 'replace str new)
    (if (setq rx (vlax-get-or-create-object "VBScript.RegExp"))
            (setq str
                        (lambda ( )
                            (vlax-put-property rx 'global     actrue)
                            (vlax-put-property rx 'multiline  actrue)
                            (vlax-put-property rx 'ignorecase acfalse) 
                            (foreach pair
                                    ("\032"    . "\\\\\\\\")
                                    (" "       . "\\\\P|\\n|\\t")
                                    ("$1"      . "\\\\(\\\\[ACcFfHLlOopQTW])|\\\\[ACcFfHLlOopQTW][^\\\\;]*;|\\\\[ACcFfHLlOopQTW]")
                                    ("$1$2/$3" . "([^\\\\])\\\\S([^;]*)[/#\\^]([^;]*);")
                                    ("$1$2"    . "\\\\(\\\\S)|[\\\\](})|}")
                                    ("$1"      . "[\\\\]({)|{")
                                (setq str (_replace (car pair) (cdr pair) str))
                            (if mtx
                                (_replace "\\\\" "\032" (_replace "\\$1$2$3" "(\\\\[ACcFfHLlOoPpQSTW])|({)|(})" str))
                                (_replace "\\"   "\032" str)
            (vlax-release-object rx)
            (if (null (vl-catch-all-error-p str))
); LM:UnFormat

;; String to List  -  Lee Mac
;; Separates a string using a given delimiter
;; str - [str] String to process
;; del - [str] Delimiter by which to separate the string
;; Returns: [lst] List of strings
(defun LM:str->lst ( str del / pos )
    (if (setq pos (vl-string-search del str))
        (cons (substr str 1 pos) (LM:str->lst (substr str (+ pos 1 (strlen del))) del))
        (list str)
); LM:str->lst


; leader to block
(defun c:le2bl (/ savAttdia savAttdia ss ename0 ename1 AcDbMultiLeader text doubles p0 val)

 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (command "._undo" "_begin")

 (if (setq ss0 (ssget '((0 . "multileader"))))
   (setq savAttdia (getvar "attdia"))
   (setq savAttreq (getvar "attreq"))
   (setvar "attdia" 0)
   (setvar "attreq" 0)
   (foreach ename0 (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex ss0)))
    (setq AcDbMultiLeader (vlax-ename->vla-object ename0))
    (setq text (vla-get-textString AcDbMultiLeader))
    (setq doubles (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value (vla-GetLeaderLineVertices AcDbMultiLeader 0))))
    (setq p0 (list (car doubles) (cadr doubles)))

    (command "._insert" "TASHTIT_B_N" "_None" p0 1 1 0)
    (setq ename1 (entlast))
    (foreach val (setq lst (LM:str->lst (LM:unFormat text nil) " "))
      ((eq (strcase (substr val 1 3)) "%%C")
       (if (getpropertyvalue ename1 "DIAMETER")
        (setpropertyvalue ename1 "DIAMETER" val)
      ); case
      ((eq (strcase (substr val 1 4)) "I.L=")
       (if (getpropertyvalue ename1 "IL_1")
        (setpropertyvalue ename1 "IL_1" (substr val 5))
      ); case
     ); cond
    ); foreach

    (vlax-release-object AcDbMultiLeader)
   ); foreach

   (setvar "attreq" savAttreq)
   (setvar "attdia" savAttdia)
  ); progn
 ); if

 (command "._undo" "_end")
 (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
); c:le2bl




Message 8 of 11
in reply to:

I was working on it, but looks like Moshe-A has it solved. Very nice.

I would only change 1 line for the insert, so the new blocks look about the same size.

(command "._insert" "TASHTIT_B_N" "_None" p0 0.05 0.05 0); is what I used.

Does put the block inserts on top of one another at times.



Message 9 of 11
in reply to: ec-cad

@ec-cad  hi,


First thank you for the correction but 0.05 looks too small maybe you meant 0.5 but beyond that a scale of 0.5 what does it mean? to me it's means noting cause it does not say if the drawing scale if 1:100 or 1:50 or 1:25 or 1:20.

dimensions \ texts \ leaders \ block symbols \ linetypes all part of annotations, they all should be reference to one global scale. i use dimscale for that matter. for example dimscale = 100 for 1:100, where the dimtxt is 0.18 - 0.20

would produce dim text 18 - 20 units and in plot 1.8 - 2.0 mm when dimscale is 50 produce  the same in plot.

the same would be for block symbols they all should be defined at 1:1 (very small) so at insert they multiplied by dimscale.






Message 10 of 11
in reply to: Moshe-A


Thank you so much Moshe!

Message 11 of 11
in reply to: ec-cad

Thank you very much for your help and the correction.


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