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Thank you for posting the idea. Why is it necessary to publish the PDF in a sub-folder relative to the parent file? What problem are you trying to solve with this idea?
Just to be clear there isn't anything happening that shouldn't be happening. Vault and the job processor are working as they should be.
We have chosen to store exported files (pdf, dxf and stp) in Vault.
It just seems easier to keep everything altogether on a single system as it's one less system to manage and one less thing than can go wrong. We also want access to our drawings to be as limited as possible.
The main reasoning for my idea/request was just to make it easier with sorting of the file. PDFs to a PDF folder, DXFs to a DXF folder etc. I am aware I can easily search and filter files but if they were in their own folders I just figure it would be easier and faster if in they were their own respective folders. Especially when it comes to getting the files for example, I want all the PDF files for a weldment. Just Get the PDF folder for that weldment and hey presto. Done.'
Is there a downside to this that I'm not aware of?
As a reply to @ihayesjr. In my case, I organize different file types for by folders, as different file types like PDFs and DXFs go to different sets of people. I do this for every project, so each project has its own DXF and PDF folder. The way Job Processor saves published files (set folder, or within the source directory) doesn't work with this workflow. When PDFs are in another folder, you can't drag the published PDF to the intended folder and have it overwritten. (without force overwrite)
While filters exist within vault, when files are sent outside the organization vault environment, it's easier to do so via Windows Explorer rather than within the vault environment. Having different folders for different file types saves a few clicks, and makes the process faster.
This option would be a tremendous help for others that organize files by project such as I do.