I cannot speak about Vault's protection against cyber terrorism because we use Vault Professional on a government network that's isolated from the internet. It works great. However, some of our clients use the Autodesk ID license because there's no need for them to have the much more expensive network licenses since they are dedicated stand-alone licenses. This requires those computers to disconnect to the government network in order to connect to the internet and reregister with Autodesk once a month. It's a pain in the butt and I wish Autodesk would offer the stand-alone serialized authentication again like they once did, but it's doable. If you're running Vault Office, or the very expensive Multi-User network Vault licenses, or are connected to the internet all the time, this isn't a problem. I can also tell you that one of the labs we work with on the NavAir base are also using Vault Professional and I believe they are connected to the internet. I believe Vault is very secure. The data stored on the hard drive is encrypted and can't be accessed or stolen from the hard drive without granted password protected user access through the Vault gateway.