Your vault is probably not set up to control files by a lifecycle. Therefore no lifecycle state is applied to the file.
I suggest to check out these links to learn more:
It might also be a good idea to contact your reseller to get help setting this up properly to suit your workflow.
Thank you @jorgen.bjornes for your answer, but the problem is not how to change the state, but why I can't see the state of each object in the STATE field in Project Explorer Window
OK, so does the state show for other files?
I still believe these files do not HAVE a state, maybe because they are old? (checked in before categories/lifecycles was implemented).
If you turn on the property grid, and select the file. Do they have a lifecycle and state there?
If you HAVE lifecycles set up in your vault, you can change the lifecycle on these files by changing the category to the appropriate category so they will be controlled by your lifecycle.
The state it is empty to all files we have in Vault!
In to the property grid it is empty to!
Then it seems Categories/Lifecycles/rules are not configured in your vault, and I refer back to the links/recommendations in my first reply.
Hi @Cosmin_V ,
Yes, please refer to the documentation links provided by @jorgen.bjornes .
Very likely Category of your files donot have any lifecycle definition set as default. So you are not getting any lifecycle state on your files.
Assign a Lifecycle to a Category | Vault Products 2020 | Autodesk Knowledge Network
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