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Delete Renamed Item with Lifecycles, Item Never Released / Used


Delete Renamed Item with Lifecycles, Item Never Released / Used


Vault Pro 2020


Long story short, sort of.



We have been renaming our parts to follow a new format, I found a part that was renamed, along with the item.

For Example: Was "ABCD", now "1234".

I also need the previous number for a different part and it is now consumed by the item within the history. I don't know if this issue exists anywhere else in our system, but if it does and it becomes prevalent, I would like to fix it rather than work around it and assign another part number. That number "ABCD" is being used in other documents throughout the company as we prepare for a released version, there is no auto populate button on our end.



I've tried purging all versions of item "1234" that are in WIP and Design Review. I don't believe lifecycle versions ever made it to "released" state.  I [think] at least one version in a series prevents me from purging entirely, although the parameters for purging to - keep "first and last", have been now been updated to - keep "none", (temporarily). Though purge did not delete any other version.


Additional Observations

The "where used" tab has zero use of any version. (if they were used somewhere in the history I would understand the reason to protect this item). Thinking to self: If I delete this item, can I make a new item with the same name and reassign my "1234" part file to "new "1234" Item?


So, as a test run...

I created a new Item, named it something simple like - "Test-Item", so I could delete it and attempt to create a new item with the same name. Just to verify that I could potentially do the same with item "1234" with versions.


Currently, I can't delete either of them.

(yes, I attempted it, since the impact for this particular instance isn't that great.)


Role: Administrator

Group Administrator

All permissions granted (I made sure of it) "cue the insane laughter"


Side Note: (don't hang your hat on this bit of info, mentioning for clarity)

Could this be some sort of IT level protection outside of Vault? We are cloud based, no physical in house server.


Thank you in advance!



3 Replies
Replies (3)

Community Manager
Community Manager

You need to check the Control setting on the lifecycle state these Items are in.

This controls what can be purged.




Irvin Hayes Jr
Sr. Product Manager
Autodesk, Inc.

Vault - Under the Hood Blog


Thank you for your assistance... although... I believe what you are referring to was attempted / mentioned in my original post. (i know, long post) sorry.


"I [think] at least one version in a series prevents me from purging entirely, although the parameters for purging to - keep "first and last", have now been updated to - keep "none", (temporarily)."


Delete Renamed Item All Version.PNG


I don't think they have ever been in a released state, fairly new items, but could they be locked in a lifecycle series that are not able to be purged or deleted?


Farfetched enquiry?

Are the states of lifecycle parameters effective 'pre' lifecycle/state change. Can I update the lifecycle state parameters after a state change and purge previous state based off of current state parameters? I also noticed Category (Historical) may have an effect on this, depending on the Category / Lifecycle / State relationship historically. I verified the item category as well, made sure it was using the same lifecycle definition, with no luck purging or deleting “work in progress” item versions.


Also, if there are multiple lifecycle definitions, each with their own set of 'states' and parameters, is a purge isolated to the part / file and lifecycle / version relationship? I would suspect if separate lifecycle states share the same descriptive like “WIP” or “Work in Progress” it may seem like you are purging “keeping none”, when in reality someone may delete a Lifecycle A Definition “WIP” and leave a Lifecycle B Definition “WIP” untouched.


The only option left at this point, (I believe) due to its low impact on any other documents, was to use a null state lifecycle with no lifecycle states and delete the item entirely. I was able to recreate the item by simply “assigning/updating the item” from the file.


I realize this is not a real solution, but a work around in low impact or early lifecycle workflows. Surely not a recommended standard process, but it worked for this scenario.


Community Manager
Community Manager

No, we don't have an option to go back to reset existing Item versions like we have the option for existing file versions.

Irvin Hayes Jr
Sr. Product Manager
Autodesk, Inc.

Vault - Under the Hood Blog