Still working from home, as always.
People do talk a lot about separating work time from home time... but I don't find that realistic at all, especially with the kids home.
For me the key to working at home successfully and running a household successfully is flexibility.
Work, make sure kids are up, work, cook & clean, work, run an errand or personal calls & check in on homework, work, check in on chores and meals, vegetate for a few hours playing games or watching tv, then maybe hitting a bit more work.
Also, people talk about a separate work area... I found that really distracting. I was constantly getting up to go investigate sounds (or lack of sounds). The past few years I have chosen to work in the center of our livingspace... part of my subconscious mind is always peripherally aware of what the kids are doing and I can let out a mindless 'get off youtube and on to your class, and get that out of your mouth' without skipping a beat in my work... it's much more conducive to productivity.
Granted, when I need to do a formal presentation to a client or leadership, I do have a small desk in a room I can close the door, but not for day to day operations, it's just way too distracting.
(granted I've worked from home for so long and my kids are getting older, it's not like they fight or scream or anything, they know to remain chill during times my computer is on.)
Still carrying on with virtual socialization. Almost every week, I crash a Civil Users group call (my background is FM/MEP lol), and host a call for AUGI folks, and attend a completely non-work related morning coffee with friends outside of the industry. That's been the most important part. My team now doesn't have regular calls outside of those specific to projects they're working on, so I need some outlet to speak to other adults, vent, get feedback and sanity checks, on a regular basis.
Melanie Stone
Facilities Data Management
IWMS / CAFM / CMMS / AutoCAD / Archibus / Tririga / Planon / MRI Manhattan CenterStone / Revit / data normalization, data mapping, reporting and process documentation