I think I may have found a minor heatmap bug.
My facility has a variety of climate sensors. I added a new climate sensor the other day and quickly noticed that the new sensor wasn't calibrated the same as the other sensors. It was off by approximately 1 degree C and therefore was producing biased heatmap results.
So, I decided to remove that problematic sensor's relationships from its Host and Rooms, but left its Connection in place and its assigned Classification.
What I found was that even though that sensor no longer had any presence in the model, its streamed values still influenced the Heatmap Settings. In my case, this sensor that was producing a 1 degree C higher temperature than it should have, which then determined the default Heatmap Settings Max value. This in turn impacted the heatmap colour scale.
To work around this, I had to remove the Classification from the sensor's Connection. BTW, I want to leave this Connection in place while I replace the physical sensor, then I will set its relationship to the model again.
I feel that there is a bug in which active Connections with Classifications that don't have any relationships with the model are affecting model-based analysis. I'm not sure if this is as-designed, but it doesn't feel right.
As a side idea request here, maybe it might be good to have an Enable/Disable option for Connections?
Hi @Chad-Smith ,
Couple questions:
The enable/disable enhancement is interesting. What additional benefits do you see this bringing to the user? Any particular use cases come to mind?
Hi Jessica.
My thoughts on the disable/enable of Connections is more to do with replacing devices/equipment. If there is a defective item, the question is do we want knowingly incorrect data to continue to be streamed in Tandem?
But, I come back to my original question of why that Connection is still streaming data to a heatmap if its relationships were removed? Having a Connection disable/enable feature may not be required is severing its relationships did the same thing.
Or is my understanding not quite right here? Does a Connection's Classification have other model impacts beyond the relationships?
Hi @Chad-Smith ,
I should have been more specific with my question. What make and model are the IoT devices?
As for the disable/enable button, my thoughts are that if users were to replace an IoT device, they could want to keep the historical data. As the product is designed today, this could be done in two ways;
So I'm not sure how much value having the enable/disable button would bring with our current functionality; that isn't to say, though, that over time, it doesn't become necessary.
Does that answer your question?
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